Chpt: 3 - Embarrassed

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       The previous day was... Let's just say it ended up being more than you thought it would be. You finished brushing your teeth, and slipped on a longsleeve shirt and silky shorts. You grabbed your phone off the charger and plugged headphones into them. Today you decided to take a walk around base. Before you walked out of the room, you remembered the new jacket Mercy had gotten for you. It was hanging on the corner of the bed, so you want to get it. You stared at your bed for a second, seeing a large lump as if your blanket was covering a pile of clothes. Eh, it probably is. You carelessly put your weight on the blanket to reach for the jacket, and then the lump shifted, causing you to fall over it. "Gah! Watch it, lil' sh*t!" You stood back and looked at the talking bed. The blankets flew off the bed and up sat Jamison. Your face went red as you recalled last night.
               The junker sat up in your bed and wiped his eyes, then he looked at you with a smirk. You quickly looked away, facing the door. "My room is infested with bugs. Can I stay in yours again, mate?" You turned to Junkrat. "You're room is fine, so you're going back." Junkrat complained about how he's lonely every time he goes to sleep. But you reminded him that he shares the room with Roadhog. "But, Hog doesn't sleep with me..." He whimpered, and you looked at him with a disgusted face. "Neither do I..." You turned back to the door. "Well, last night ya did!" He giggled and you turned to him with a shocked expression on your face. You quickly ran out of the door and down the hall. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, hoping to avoid Junkrat all day. As you ran, you accidently crashed into Lucio. The two of you went tumbling onto the floor. "Woah Woah Woah! Slow your roll, (Y/N)!" He helped you up and you apologized breathlessly. "Hey, you okay? Why are you running so fast?" Lucio looked at you with a concerned look and your face went red. "Well um," You nervously smiled at him and went zooming down the hall once again. "What was that all about...?" Lucio mumbled to himself, watching you run off. You kept running, until you realized you had been running in circles the entire time. You stopped, took a deep breath, and wiped your forehead with your arm. You decided to try to relax, so you went to the training room to meet up with some of the others and talked with them. In the room were D.Va, Mei, and Lucio. (He faast) They were trying to enhance Meka with blasting speakers and an Air Conditioner. You spectated their interesting idea for about an hour, went to get some food, watched Reinhardt and Zarya arm wrestle, and then became bored. You were hanging out with others for about 5 hours at this point, so you decided to go back to your room. Hopefully Junkrat left... You were on the other side of the base, so you put on your headphones and went walking across base. Your head was down, because you were organizing a Playlist on your phone. All of sudden, you looked up and before you could register what was going on, you fell back onto the floor. You shut your eyes tightly and winced in pain as you grabbed your head. "Eh, 'probly justa little bruise or somethin'." You could barely hear, due to the fact that your head hit the tiles so hard. Then, you felt lips press against your forehead. You felt your face warm up, and had a feeling that you knew who it was. A moment later, you felt yourself being carried like a bride. Gently and carefully, like you were floating above the clouds. But then you hit the hard cold floor. Darkness. Silence. Nothing.

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