Chpt: 4 - The Door

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    The next two weeks were very weird. Every time you bumped into Junkrat, he casually spoke to you as if nothing ever happened. You were very embarrassed, therefore you tried avoiding him as much as you could. You walked down the hall, heading to the training room. "(Y/N), swell to see you today!" A cheery voice echoed from behind you. Unfortunately, it carried an Australian accent... You jumped, due to his unexpected appearance. You quickly walked away, speeding down the hall. "Hey! Wait up, Sheila!!" Jamison yelled, running after you. You ran through several halls, and to your room. You shut the door and regained your breath. But apparently, you didn't think about locking the door. Junkrat slowly opened the door, poking his head in. You didn't notice him, because you were curled up on the floor with your head under a pillow. He tiptoed over to you, and raised his arms. "RAWR!!!" He shouted, poking you with his fingers. You screamed, jumping up. "YOU RAT! YOU SCARED ME!" You hollered, hurling your pillow at his face. He tumbled back, chuckling and throwing the pillow back at you. You caught it, and rolled your eyes. "Stop acting like you forgot or something." You said in an annoyed tone, and Junkrat looked at you, confused. He dropped the act, smirking at you as you sat still, turned away. "What makes you think I forgot?" Junkrat whispered mischievously, and you got that feeling when you just want to curl up into a ball and never come out. "Ahaha! I'd never forget somethin' like that, (Y/N)!" You turned to him with a red face. "Shut up, I never want to bring it up again..." Slowly, you turned back in the opposite direction and muzzled your face into the pillow. "Awh, why not? Did you not like it? Was I too soft? Too hard maybe? Maybe, I should've gone dee-" "SHUT UP!" You yelled, embarrased. You threw the pillow at him as hard as you could, and demanded him to leave your room.
   Jamison gave you a "fake" frown, and walked out of your room sulking. You rolled your eyes, and when you couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, you laughed a little. Honestly, you thought he could be pretty silly sometimes... even if he was annoying as hell. "Mm, I love that boy.." You said to yourself, drawing little hearts on the floor with your finger. "Hm? What's that?" His head popped in through the door and your face grew redder than blood. "GET OUT OF HERE!" You shrieked, full of embarrassment. Junkrat chuckled, and ran down the hall. "How could I be so stupid.." You mumbled, staring at the unlocked door. You giggled to yourself, and got up to lock it.

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