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Chapter 3

“Jeremy,” Abriel cooed, “Come to mami and papi!” His muscles flexed as he extended his arms wide. 

The toddler, filled with goos and gaas, panting, grabbing onto things in his little journey towards us. His eyes glinted with mischief.

Our grins were enormous. This little man was so adorable and growing up so fast. He managed to steal our hearts just by being here with us.

I was never this happy in my life. I had a doting and loving husband with the best kid in the world.

We were currently in the neighborhood, taking our usual stroll. We passed houses left and right, not caring that it was dead in the night. We stopped at the usual spot. The park of adventures, as Abriel would put it. This was Jeremy’s favorite place to play when he couldn’t get to sleep.

He made it, grabbing on to Abriel’s arm, holding on like it was the only lifeline he had to stay upright. He produced a cute frustrated noise when he would fall on his butt. 

It amazed me how someone so small had so much spirit in him. Jeremy was the definition of life itself. He made me proud everyday. He was learning how to walk, but soon, he would be talking up a storm.

I felt giddy at the thought. Our little family would have ourselves a talker just like his father.

He picked our son up with ease.

That’s ma man, I thought. I placed my hands on each of his cheeks, bringing him in for a kiss.

He pulled away smiling. “What has got you in such a good mood? I usually initiated the kisses.” he asked, chuckling.

I shrugged. “I’m happy. That’s it.” And, I meant it. Joy exploded inside me the moment these two came into my life. They destroyed all the dark that stayed in the past and that's where those memories were to stay. I agreed with a huff.

Jeremy goo-ed, turning to face me. He reached for me. I went to carry him. I brought our noses to touch and nuzzle causing him to giggle. He loved it when I did that just as much as blowing a raspberry on his tummy.

I flipped him, carrying my like a price. He had gotten so big that I had to use my extra strenghth in order to blow on his stomach. 

He would giggle as soon as my breath fanned his tummy. A sign I took as an invitation for more and more.

I did it a few more times, until his fits of giggles subsided, a sign he had over indulged himself. It got to be too much.

He bawled like a newborn.

“Shh, it’s okay. Mommy’s got you.” Still, his crying wouldn’t stop. “Jer?” He screamed. He was dying. His tears, red with blood. He coughed, red coming out of his mouth.

I panicked, searching for Abriel, but he was gone. I couldn't help my boy without the help of my support. Gone was everyone. I was left in the room of mirrors. 

Where I woke up a few days ago.

Luz stared back at me. Tears copying Jeremy’s red rivers.

I reached to touch the mirror. My fingers tasted the cool glass beneath it.

I was Luz. What was she trying to do? Scare me with flashbacks?

I smirked. It would take more than that, sweet cheeks, to scare me away.

One of the mirrors shined bright. I figured Idoya wouldn’t show up soon, so I took the chance and crept in.

The sound of a motor assure me that the vehicle was moving, but my observations were false. The motor was left on. Cries were muffled as the muggers stabbed the man and woman to death. I could hear the man cry out for help, yelling at the stars for any form of assistance, but it never came. I sat behind the driver’s seat staring out the window, counting how many raindrops fell to the earth. I was a naive child. That was how I coped. I didn’t know what was truly going on until years after this happened. The man was the first to die. The woman was shielding my small form. I was a child, my tiny body was positioned in the fetal position just how mommy screamed at me to do. She the spitting image of Luz. Her empty hazel eyes stared back at my own. The woman took her last breath and loosened right under me, brown hair hiding her face.

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