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The face I hadn’t seen ever since they plunged their dagger to the people I loved, he was withering away slowly. I made sure of that.

Struggled coughs permeated the baby blue skies of the room. The being underneath me breathed in heavily for his last breaths before I delivered the final blow..

Nails clawed at my face, the pain welcoming. It brought a smile to my eyes.

Life finally had meaning. My purpose needed closure, to kill this person and this person only. I was not useless any longer.

“P-please,” he choked, “Have mercy.” The words muffled.

My mother pleaded with those words, except she was trying to protect someone.


My smile reached my lips, crooking wickedly.

I kept the rope twisted on his neck. I pulled with what little strength the witch gave me, eventually hearing a snap.

Idoya was rather generous today, giving me the power to rule my own body instead of Amaranta. That weak thing was a high class demon? She lived thousand of years for nothing. Not to mention the way she felt for my husband. I internally scoffed. Hubby played the part out right. However, it was time to get rid of the extra baggage.

I let go after I made sure this filth was dead. He fell to the floor with a thud.

Creamy eyes reminding me of Abriel’s, looked to Jeremy’s crib. He had a target. If he couldn’t kill the last noble from Venezuela, then he failed the mission. Not that the Salvadoran mafia could handle. They would kill this bastard without batting an eye.

He had the honor of meeting me again after all these years.

His son was in my possession, now had revenge for my parents deaths and I felt a serene sense of inner peace.

My job was done and I could start all over with my son by my side.

I let go of the rope, turning to see how my dumpling was doing. Abriel got in the way. He had to be taken out. He was in too deep and questions would arise.

He made it was too easy for me.

I got up from checking the angle of the bastard’s neck, making sure it snapped clean. I could see bone sticking out, followed by the swelling that was attempting to close his wound.

“Luz,” the voice said calmly.

I stiffened, turning around.

I folded my arms, “Amaranta.”

Her violet eyes were wishing death at me. Her long raven hair fell to her waist. She currently held Jeremy in her arms.

I could not have been able to sense her. She was a demon, after all. I was a human.

I gave her every reason to detest our kind.

“Could you be so kind as to let go of my son?” I asked, sweetly. But, my hands were shaking.

She stared, noticing the action and smirked.

She let go of Jeremy and he landed on the floor with a thud. His body shook with a great force. Loud cried filled his room.

I screamed, running towards him. I enveloped him in my arms, kissing him with helpful words to calm him down.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Amaranta stared down at me, emotion escaped her eyes.

What happened to all the feelings she was showing the past couple of weeks? Did the witch’s bargain work?

“I buried them deep into the pits of hell.” She snarled, stabbing me in my chest. “You made a bargain with that bitch, too.” She laughed in my face, shaking her head in disapproval. “That was a big mistake on your part, human.

I hissed, holding Jeremy close, his crying stopped.

She continued, “Did you know, after she let you have your body back, she gave me mine as well?” She thrust her claws in further, closer to my heart. “She doesn’t dwell on a side, sweetie. She does her own thing for her own amusement.”

She removed her hand, I moaned as her fingers pressed onto my gaping flesh, her claws sharp and lethal.

She pondered. “Speaking of which, now that you had your little revenge and all, I healed your boy toy.”

The color drained from my pale face. In front of me was a living Abriel, without a scratch on him.

“Babe. I can explain.”

He ignored me and stood next to Amarantha bringing his hand around her waist in a possessive hold.

“What did you do to him?” I whispered.

She tapped her temple. “You didn’t think this through. Never bargain with a witch and never piss off this weak demon. I told you I always saved myself in the end, but you never listened. You pushed those unwanted feelings on me and half the time you were acting just to get back at the people who killed your parents.”She glanced at Abriel, bringing him in for a long and wet kiss. She broke it and said, “I bargained with the witch, too. Guess what was on the line for me.”

My visioned turned hazy, I could barely hear her speak.

I couldn’t die.

Not like this.

“Look at your baby, honey.”

It was as if the life was being sucked away from me as I frantically searched for Jeremy. My hands were clutching nothing, but his clothes. Where did he go?

I sobbed, my breathing ragged. “W-where’s my baby?”

“His soul was taken.” said a voice.


“That was the bargain and might I say, Jeremy was not only sweet, but had a different flavor to him.”

I shook my head.

Amaranta and Abriel disappeared.

Idoya was gone, too.

I cried. Ignoring the way blood gushed from my chest, ignoring the pain of losing a child all for the sake of revenge. I may not have loved my husband, but I loved my baby.

He was gone now and I was the one to blame.

It was my fault.

My baby would never grow up. He would never be able to experience the life I had planned ahead for the both of us.

With my last breath, I made sure to remember his smiling face. A face that would be burned into me once I pass the afterlife.

I was never to see him ever again.


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