Chapter 11: A Goodbye Gift (Part 2)

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Kale is seated beside me in the mirror side. We are holding hands. We are like "WE". A blissful trip. We were listening to music using his phone and earphones. His playlist which I love. Kale has a good taste of music. Mostly covers but still good.

The trip went fast and I saw a mall meaning we're going out of the express way and inside of the province.

Kale then talked.

"Ahmm. Cy, I gotta tell you something."

I felt my heart hurt. I don't feel good.

I removed my hand that is holding his.

"" I said stuttering.

Oh no. I felt my eyes water.

"I-I decided to go to your birthday because I'm, I'm breaking up... with... you?" Kale said with a soft voice.

"No!" I shouted.

I can see other people looking at us so I bowed my head.

We're at the mall. Those who wants to pee you can go and come back soon and those who's trip ends here you can go now.

"Hey. Let's go to the mall. I have to buy something."


Kale just walked in front of me and pulled my hand to stand up and go.

Inside the mall.

"I'm gonna buy you that stuffef toy you like before I leave?"

"What? You're leaving already?"

"Yeah. I have things to do."

"Okay. But no need for the buying. I want to go home."

"Hey. I promised you that and I really want to buy it for you. But I can only by the middle-sized one because I don't have cash and I think that's what you deserved" kale said looking me in the eye.

What did he said?

"You didn't promised. And I told you not to. Can I leave now? Cause I'm kind of tired."

I said raising my voice a bit. And ignoring what he said about me deserving a small teddy bear instead of the large one.

He then grab my wrist and pulled me to the stuffed toys store branch that had the same teddy bear but mid-sized one.

He picked the red one and went to the counter. Paid it and put it to the free bag the store gave.

"Here Cy. Happy birthday."

I'm looking at the big bag which holds the teddy bear.

"Oh come on Cy. Take it."

He grab my right hand and placed the holder of the bag.

I didn't have the strength to refuse because I'm tired and I am still in the moment where he said he's breaking up with me.

He then grabbed my left wrist and pulled me again on the way to the other side of the mall. This is where the cabs are. Going home.

We are outside. We sat in the bench that is placed in here.

Sitting together. Silence. The outside is noisy but my ears can't hear it. My mind is so occupied.

I few moments I spoke.

"What happened to us Kale?" I said. I can feel tears in my faces.

"Hey hey baby. Don't cry please. I don't want to see you cry knowing I'm the reason. Things just don't work out on us unlike before. Everything changed. I changed. For the better."

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