Chapter two - Pete

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The forest was deadly quiet, a sparrow was chirping high in a tree, a young buck, with a set of ivory antlers was grazing on the only patch of green grass amidst leaves and sticks. A few feet away, in a nearby bush, a young hunter watches, bow and arrow at the ready, his hawk pendant softly swinging in the gentle breeze. Well-worn, cotton, green top and soft leather pants camouflaging into his hiding spot, sheathed in his pants, his bear carved dagger, and on his back, a quiver, full of arrows, with various wolf designs on them.

Carefully the hunter notched an arrow and sighted, drawing the arrow, but before he could release, a scream ran out, setting off a flock of birds and causing the buck to bolt. Cursing Pete tore after it, leaping through the bush and shifting by the time he made it through, racing after the skittish buck.

Once caught up he quickly pounced, going for a quick death of breaking its neck, hiding it in his cave, he raced towards the source of the scream, creeping through the trees. Just in time to see a blindfolded, gagged and hogtied child tossed into a black carriage, taking note of the ones there, and the location, he watched them leave, before shifting back, collecting his weapons and going back to the cave.

Once back in the cave, he set to work carefully skinning the buck, and putting the pelt in one sack, next he gently removed the fine ivory antlers and placed them into another sack, before finally putting the carcass into the last sack. Hiding his money pouch, he hoisted the carcass first lifting the other two sacks with ease, carrying all three into the nearby village. His first stop was the butcher, to drop of the venison, the butcher looked up in mild interest when he first came in, quickly lighting up when he saw the size of the meat, saying, "cheers, how much do I owe you? Five rose gold?" Pete shook his head, "3 rose gold and a few pieces, not much, just a night or two's worth." The butcher nodded in agreement, handing over the coins, saying, "you know the drill, it'll be ready in an hour or so."

Pete left and headed to the blacksmith next, giving him the antlers, knowing that some use them as handles for knives and daggers. The blacksmith gave his thanks and asked him to tell the mayor as he'd been waiting for antlers to use, nodding, he collected 20 white gold for it, his final trip to the pelt workers.

Walking in, he handed in the fine pelt, gaining another 7 rose gold, stating he'd be back with a rabbit pelt and would they mind leaving a station free to work on.

Once they agreed, he headed to the mayor's house, Pete and he were on good terms, as Pete first saved his daughter, then prevented a second kidnapping. It was due to Pete that the one's close to ten years of age had restrictions, as that was the age group that got called to the forest and kidnapped.

Pete knocked. He didn't have to wait long, the door swung open and he was invited in. The Mayor was a tall, skinny, red haired man with grey eyes, they sat in front of the fire and while tea was served, Pete spoke. "I lost one earlier today, a boy, I couldn't see them, it happened during a buck hunt, and I was a bit far from it. But something good came from it, the carriage left tracks, I'll be following them soon, before the storm hits, then I'll map where it leads, before coming back and staying another few days." The mayor nodded and said "It's unfortunate about the kidnap, but that is a good silver lining, I won't keep you long then, cause it looks like rain soon and we don't want to lose those tracks. Would you like to take coffee grounds with you?" Pete thought before nodding, the mayor called his servant to bring some of the coffee.

Shortly after Pete left he went back to the carriage tracks, and changing back to a wolf, he followed the tracks, seeing if there were any scents. Shortly after, the trail ended at a wooden bridge that led to a stone path, he cursed, before racing back to the village, paws barely touching the ground.

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