Chapter 15

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Alexia's POV

I woke up in a room of white to the sound of beeping and snoring. I looked around this unfamiliar room realizing I was in a hospital room. lemme just say one thing. I HATE HOSPITAL, NEEDLES AND DOCTORS!!! All my friends and every member of the gang knows this so why would they be stupid enough to bring me to one. Kylie, Michael, Gray and Jay were all sleeping in chairs next to my bed.

I have to get out of here. I cannot stand hospitals I started to become frantic to get out of here. I pulled off the breathing tube that was put into my nose, not quite understanding why I needed it. I then proceeded to pull out the needle that was in my arm. I don't know why I needed it either. I have to get out of here That was still my only thought I started climbing off the bed and while I'm doing so I notice Jay starting to stir in her sleep. Damn why does she have to be a light sleeper. Now she's probably going to try make me lay back down or call the doctor or a nurse or make me stay in this hell hole sorry i meant hospital. Nope definitely hell hole not hospital. I was about to start walking out of the room when I heard a shout for a nurse or doctor. When I looked back I realized the shout had come from Jay who was now looking at me with apologetic eyes she knew I hated hospitals and everything to do with them. A nurse came rushing into the room and looked at me then realized why Jay had called. By now everyone was awake from the commotion caused by Jay calling for a nurse or doctor and watching the how the events would unfold. The nurse looked at me again and said "mam please sit down and wait so the doctor can come and make sure everything is okay for you to leave." But being the stubborn person I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes at her before saying "I'm fine standing thanks and I am fine I feel alright so you can just let me leave right now." The nurse seemed unaffected by what I had just said and just looked at me with a hint of mischief in he eyes before saying "Mam if you do not go sit down on the bed right now I will have to sedate you." Damn this woman just wasn't listening I want too leave and I want to leave right now. I opened my mouth to reply but I was cut off by Kylie putting her hand on my shoulder and saying "Alexia please just come sit down." I shrugged her hand off my shoulder and walked to the bed after sending her and the nurse a venomous look. The nurse looked satisfied and said "Thank you mam I will go fetch the doctor now." As soon as she left the room I turned on Kylie "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I started and took a deep breath before continuing "You know I hate hospital." When I finished my lip was quivering slightly from the thought of her of all people not letting me leave when she knew how much I hate the hospital. I bit down on my lip to prevent it from quivering and put my head down so they don't se my face. When I finally stopped biting down on my lip and looked up at they all gasped in shock. It was then I realized there was blood pouring from my lip. I guess I bit my lip too hard.

It felt like forever before I was set free from that hell hole with the instruction not to lift anything heavy as I might hurt y shoulder. But when I was I refused to talk to any of them because they took me to a hospital. So it was a really long and silent drive home it was like you could feel the tension. No one spoke until we reached the house but even then I don't know who it was or what they said as I left the car before anyone could stop me and went straight to my room.

I had decided I will not go to school for the rest of the week it was only Wednesday today. Maybe I will go to the park or go shopping. Or maybe I will get ice cream, yes I love ice cream. I think I might want to change my hair. I haven't dyed my hair in forever. My hair was brown and went down to my hips. so tomorrow while they go to school I think I will dye my hair and maybe cut my hair. Maybe.

(The length of Alexia's hair ⬆⬆⬆)

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(The length of Alexia's hair ⬆⬆⬆)

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