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"But I thought your sister fell out of a tree...?"

"She didn't, but the stupid police wouldn't believe me because the little bastard left her under a tree. You have to admit though that it was really well planned. Made me look like an idiot...." She explained falling into a chair.

"But I need your help. The bugger wants to jump me for reasons unknown. So I can't get close." She huffs.

"Jump?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, you know, possess me; wear me as a "meat suit"? He just kept chanting that he wanted me, that I would make him oh, so powerful! He almost got me too, except Constance got in the way and he snapped her neck. That's when I charged at the son of a bitch like a bat out of hell, screaming the first exorcism I could think of; he ran off and I dialed 911. Still haven't been able to find him, but I'm sure he will find me soon enough."

"Do you honestly have no idea why he is dead set on you?"

"Nope, none." She states.

"Okay, so where do we start?"

"Well, I think we should make a trap."

"Works for me," I say slipping my boots on.

A couple of hours later we had drawn a death trap in an abandoned house and thrown a carpet over it. We salted every door and window in the place to keep the demon from coming in, except for one. We left the front door, right in front of the death trap, unsalted, in hopes that the demon would have no choice but to come through it and become stuck in the death trap. Then, we were going to exorcise the demon, using this book we have that has a bunch of crap in it, but the most important one was the one we had to say in Latin which sends demons back to hell. It seemed like a solid plan. However, I couldn't shake this bad feeling I had about how this was going to turn out, but I shrugged it off as we continued to salt the place.

"So now what?" I ask her after we are done.

"Now, we wait." She says sitting on a chair in the corner.

We wait and wait for this demon to come. He never shows. We eventually fall asleep, well at least I do, and wake up to the sun streaming through the torn curtains across the room.

"We slept through the night and nobody came?" I say yawning.

I look over at Winnie who is no longer in the chair across the room, but staring at me from the opposite side she started in. She stares at me with wide, unblinking eyes and tilts her head a little to the side. 

Winnie starts to walk towards me.

"You...you have strange blood." That's not Winnie. The voice is too formal. Oh shit.

"It...it calls...to me." At that I get up and stand behind the couch I was sleeping on. Without breaking eye contact I pull out my little container of holy water and hold it in my hands.

"Don't....don't leave me."

"How did you get inside her?" I demanded from the Winnie impersonator.

"It...it wasn't...hard." The 'Thing' Spits out with a slight smirk forming on Winnie's face. I don't know why this demon is stuttering; demons always talk just like normal humans.

"Why are you talking like that?"

"The...one that lies....within...is...stronger...than...I thought...I don't...know....why....why.....I should......be.....powerful." Then Winnie starts walking towards me. It's actually quite creepy; she keeps tilting her head at weird angles and walking slowly.

"I'll...get the hang of....this...eventually. Look....I...I ...am already getting...use to it." Now she is already right in front of me. She then lifts her hand and hovers it over the couch cushions. They instantly start to catch on fire, the flames coming out of nowhere. I was too distracted by the flaming couch that I didn't even know that the demon had moved until she was grabbing onto my neck and choking me from behind.

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