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Just when I thought that maybe the demons hadn't seen me, one says something to the other before there both are looking around the café obviously looking for something when their eyes land on me. I quickly look down hoping that it would steer them away from me but no such luck.

They start making their way towards me so I throw some money down on the table and turn towards the other end of the café hoping to find an exit. I rush towards it trying not to make a scene. Meanwhile, I'm trying so hard to zap off somewhere as Winnie likes to call it. I was trying to picture anything when I felt two sets of hands wrap around my arms and pull me through the exit. I look up at the one guy just as his fist collides with my face.


I had just come back from getting myself some food when I heard Sam and Dean yelling at each other through the door.

Something about Dean wanting to go hunt down that bitch Bela and Sam waning to stay and finish the case. He thinks this immortal surgeon will be able to help Dean when he dies and goes to hell. I think that's bonkers considering how messed up the guy probably looks. And the fact that we save people for a living and this guy kills them to live.

I jump behind a car when I notice Dean opening the motel door. I don't think he noticed me because he turns around and looks back into the room.

"Sammy, be careful." Is all he says before slowly pulling the door closed.

"Now where do you think you're going?" I ask him jumping out from behind a soccer van nearly giving him an early death.

"None of your business." He snaps at me. Damn someone's in a sour mood.

"What's got your panties all in a bunch?"

"I'm going to hunt down Bela. You coming or what?"

We drive for a little bit ending up in Vermont where Dean told me a retired hunter lives. He still has yet to tell me why we're here or better yet why Sam wouldn't come but from what I gathered Dean isn't the 'let's share our feelings and tell each other secrets' kind of guy.

We walk up the steps to an old-looking house painted in this horrible mint color with a sign on the door that says no solicitors in red.

Dean rings the buzzer and then bangs swiftly on the door. Just as he does that we look up to find a camera turning our way from the ceiling as a man from, I'm assuming inside the house, yells what.

"Hi, uh Rufus-" Dean starts to say when he is so rudely cut off.

"And even if I am the question is still the same, what?"

We both give each other what the fuck looks and he starts again.

"Uh, I'm Dean Winchester. Listen I'm a friend of Bobby Singers."

"So?" He says like that's supposed to let us into his lovely home.

"You called him this morning."


Dean just laughs awkwardly and looks at the camera on the ceiling. This is getting more and more amusing by the second. I start to lean against one of the poles on the side of the stairs when I hear it give a little from my weight and decide I better not unless I wanted a broken bone or something.

Dean coughs before he continues. "You told Bobby about a British chick that made contact with you." He finishes with the shake of his head.

"And so?" Dean looks at me like is this guy for real?

"Do you know where she is?"

He says yah and Dean visibly looked happier.

"Great, could you tell me where I can find her?"


"Look Rufus, Man—" But is cut off by the door being unlocked, and out steps a guy in most likely his mid-40s and looking thoroughly annoyed.

He's holding a bowl of what seems to be cereal and looking directly at Dean paying me no mind, which from the look on his face id rather just be watching anyway; I wish I had a bowl of popcorn.

"Let me point something out to you. You are knocking at my door so don't look man me 'cuz I ain't your man." Dean at this point is so shocked and looks like a little boy caught doing something he shouldn't. I snicker behind my hand but the guy hears and sends me a warning glance.

"Sorry, Sir" Dean says recovering from his shocked expression. He looks so out of place and uncomfortable like he wants to be anywhere but here.

"Look, let me tell you a little story. See once upon a time, Bobby called me asking me to call him if a got a whiff of this Bela Talbot. I got a whiff, I called, The end." He says turning back into his house.

"Okay, if you could just tell me where she is that would be great," Dean says trying to keep his attention.

Rufus gives him an irritating stare.

"Dean Winchester, right?"


"Dean, Do I look like I'm here to help you?"

Dean thinks for a minute and looks at me for help but I just salute him with a huge smirk on my face.

"I'm gonna say no." He says with a laugh.

"Then get the hell off my property."

"Alright, hey fair enough. I got one more question for ya though." He says starting to rummage through his bags. Most likely for the booze he bought earlier when we got into town.

"See I've got this bottle of scotch and uh, is this considered good?" He slyly asks holding up a box. The guy just stares intently at the box before looking at Dean and now myself as I step forward. He flashes us a smile and invites us in.


I have no idea how to get myself out of this mess. I awoke to voices and quickly discovered I was in a chair, chained to it. My head was slumped over but I didn't dare make a sound. I wanted to give myself a few minutes to think.

"So, Crowley wants her but why can't we just kill her right here right now. We don't need angels walking around, we have enough problems."

Oh great. I'm so fucked. 


Thanks, guys! Let me know what you think :)

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