Fateful Encounter

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In the dead of night, a large and powerful thunderstorm had began to brew throughout the eastern states, uprooting trees and setting a select few ablaze with the occasional stray strike of lightning. Heavy rains poured down from the heavens, causing sink holes and large pond-like puddles to form, and already full up streams and rivers to overflow out into the forests and streets. But, alas, this wasn't the only storm that was brewing on this night. A far bigger one had begun to form just beneath the surface of the earth in an underground cave, known by few and seen by none. Other than, of course, the inhabitant of said cave who was relatively unknown in this day and time... unknown, but ever present... and ever vengeful.


- NO POV -

Pitch Black paced around his broken and crumbling globe, scowling at every single last one of the glowing golden lights. All of these children still believed in their precious Guardians, and all of them still refused to believe in him. Ever since that regretful day when the Man in the Moon chose Jack Frost to become a Guardian, everything had fallen apart. His plans, his world, and his life. At first he thought Jack could play a key role in his plan for the domination of fear, but in the end it was the exact opposite. "Curse that infernal Frost Sprite..." One of his NightMares cautiously approached to nuzzle his nose against his masters black robe in hopes of comforting him, but this only earned a rough shove and a growl from the irritated Boogeyman. The NightMare backed away in fear, knowing that it was pointless to try. "If it wasn't for him, my life would have been perfect. Damn those Guardians! Damn them all!" He growled through grit teeth as he slammed a hand down upon the globe in unison with a clap of thunder, causing the entire underground room to tremble with tremendous force. Every NightMare in the room had scattered with fear, fading quickly away into the shadows as to not be caught in their masters fit of rage. Pitch allowed his hand to remain on the globe as he closed his eyes, his teeth still firmly bared. "Damn them..."



"Lost... out here... in the middle of a storm. Just perfect, (Y/N)! Genius!" I gripped my jacket tighter around my body as I continued my long and miserable walk home, not even sure if I was going the right way. Nothing looked familiar. Then again, it was night time. Everything always looks different in the dark. My bare legs, which had already been beaten from a previous incident, were getting more and more tattered with every step I took, the wind blowing rough branches against my pale white skin. I winced at the pain, and for once, I was thankful for the cold as it numbed my flesh, taking most of the stinging pains away.

I shook my head and looked up at the angry black sky, wondering what I had ever done to deserve this. "Please... I just want to go home!" Just then, a dark cloud slowly drifted aside, revealing the large and beautiful moon. So big, and so bright... glowing brighter than usual. Staring at the wondrous orb of hope, I allowed myself to become distracted... and that was a big mistake. Not but moments later, I found myself losing my balance as a clap of thunder roared throughout the sky, causing the ground to shake violently and give way, opening up beneath my feet. The next thing I knew... I was plummeting down a dark hole, and with two sickening cracks, I hit the ground...

I screamed.


- Pitch POV -

The moment those words had left my lips, my eyes had snapped open to the sound of a scream. Or at least... what sounded like a scream. It could very well have been the sounds of the storm. No no no... that sound didn't belong to one of Mother Natures tantrums. It couldn't have. After all, I of all beings know the sound of a child's scream... better than anyone.

I quickly faded into the shadows, creeping along the darkness at high speeds and toward the sound I had heard. My senses were clouded over as I inhaled the intoxicating aroma of fear. Fear that was far stronger than any I had ever felt before, and it only grew closer and stronger as I continued on. Coming to a sudden halt, my suspicions were proven to be true. I materialized from the shadows and stepped towards the source of the fear... it was a girl.

A bright beam of moonlight shown down upon her limp and drenched form, pouring in from a large hole that had opened up directly above. I scowled with irritation at the sight of my 'old friend' MIM, tsk-ing aloud as my eyes took in the entirety of the situation. "She must have fallen through..." At first I thought nothing of it. 'Humph. A simple accident, and nothing more. Nothing that I should concern myself with.' But... when I noticed the blood pooling around her small form, and the position of her limbs...

"Great MIM..."

My eyes widened as I saw the shape of her sprawled out and bleeding legs, quickly drawing nearer to her body to examine her further, only to see that indeed both of her legs had been broken upon impact. "..." I couldn't simply leave an injured child alone like this, could I? I'm not that heartless... although the Guardians would like to think that I am. "Tch..." I sneered at the thought of the Big Four... or rather... I should say Five these days.

Leaning down and carefully lifting her limp form up into my arms, I felt MIMS rays engulf us. 'Is this supposed to be a sign, old friend?' I thought bitterly to myself, scoffing as I shook my head. 'I'm not doing this for you. You'd do well to keep that in mind-' My thoughts were immediately stopped, however, as the very moment I had lifted her from the ground, a wave of fear hit me like one of Sandys whips. It was so strong in fact, that it nearly knocked me clean off of my feet. I had to bite down on my lip and use every ounce of will power that I had to resist feeding from her.

"G-gah... t-the pain she must be in..." I shook my head as I began to carry her back to my chambers, my movements a little slow, slightly wobbly on my feet. Inhaling the sweet scent of her terror and pain, I swallowed and sighed.

"There are some things that just have to be done..."


// AUTHORS NOTE: Well, dear Sinners, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this new tale~! I decided to dabble in the ROTG Fandom since I have always been a fan of Pitch Black. ;3 If you want a second chapter, and if you're also a fan of that sexy boogeyman, then please, leave me a comment with your thoughts! It would be much appreciated~! ;)

Thank you! ❤️

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