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I guess your here to be part of this roleplay?
Well there's just a few things you need to know - There is 15 people on the team, I am going to have two OC's and you may have one or two OC's.  Unfortunately​ I am only allowing 15, the first 15. If you fill in the form after that will mean that if someone gets kicked off you may be a replacement. Also if somebody is going on holidays or what not, you can take part as a replacement in those weeks.

Obviously most people want to be Abby's favourite. Abby will have about 5 favorites, 3 of them being her little Maddie's (No offence to Maddie)

You can create an OC for a made up character, or if you want an old team member. I will tell you if your character is taken if you choose one from the team, otherwise you are good to go!

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