Chapter 5

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"It's open" I sighed.

The woman walked inside with a small smile as she watched me unpack my clothes.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"I wanted to have a little chat" She said.

"Umm okay?" I frowned and put the empty suitcase away. "Where's dad?"

"He went out" Miss Clark sighed. "For work"
I nodded, not surprised since this normally happened when I was home. "So now you thought it was time to have a chat with me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I did" She said. "Sit down"

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly sat on my bed, looking up at Miss Clark. "I'm sitting"

"Now that I'm here to replace your mummy I don't want you getting in my way, okay?" The woman said.

"No, that's not okay at all" I frowned, "A horrible bitch like you could never replace her"

"Oh but I already have" She let out a laugh. "Just ask your father"

"He's not here, remember?" I sighed. "The reason you wanted this stupid chat now"

"You don't have to ask him to know it's true" Miss Clark smiled.

"Well maybe I should just tell him" I said.

She frowned. "Maybe you should stop being a brat and listen to me"

"I thought you already knew" I said. "I've never listened to you"

"Oh but you have" The woman smiled. "Otherwise you wouldn't be here today"

"Go away you stupid bitch"

Miss Clark walked up to the bed and grabbed my chin, tilting my head upwards with a smile.

"You better keep such language out of my house"

"It's not your house" I muttered, turning to the side and standing up again. "It's mine and my dad's"

"Not anymore" She smiled.

"Do you even like my dad?" I asked. "Or are you just doing this for money?"

"Don't be silly, of course I like him" The woman laughed.

"I don't know if that's better or worse" I frowned, walking towards the door. "You can leave now, slut"

"Excuse me?" She raised an eyebrow and leaned against the wall.

"You can get the hell out of my room" I said, opening the door.

"I thought I told you to stop with the language, you little brat" Miss Clark spat.

"I'm not a brat either" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up" She snapped and walked towards me and the door.

I frowned, ignoring her by asking; "When does dad get home?"

"In a few hours" Miss Clark sighed, standing in front of me.

"I was actually halfway through packing" I said. "So piss off and let me finish"

The woman pushed me up against the wall. "Don't you dare tell me what to do, or do you think you're in charge around here?"

"No" I shook my head and tried to push her off.

She looked at me for a moment before sighing and letting go, walking out of the room without another word. I closed the door, a little shocked that she'd just left that quickly.
A while later I finally started unpacking and finished just before dad came back. He  went up to my room to call me down for dinner and I followed him down the stairs. We all sat down at the table and I completely ignored the two adults as I piled up some food on a plate.

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