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Again, for the eight week in a row, you were up getting water around three o'clock in the morning. You pressed yourself to even watch TV in the living with the volume very low. Even though it was only MTT or the news, it was better than sitting in dead silence until dawn.

It was an older episode of MTT, which was your choice, but that meant that it wasn't live and you didn't have to sit through his breaks watching the people freak out.

You sipped your water quietly as the music continued. It was nice, other than his robotic whirring voice, and it had a nice beat. Something you could listen to or dance to.

It wasn't bad for a robot who left his cousin for fame over thousands of one race, if that makes sense. You thought about Blooky, the cousin, for a bit. He was a nice ghost. You two always felt like trash together, listened to his music, or even talked about some bands you knew of.

Bands. That was the one thing you were missing other than your friends on the surface. With no headphones, you were stuck without your music. Speaking of stuck, you suddenly realized you ran out of water.

You let out a groan and roll your eyes. That was always the annoying thing with insomnia. Being awake while others were asleep meant no one to get more water for you.

You slid off of the cozy couch and walked into the kitchen. It was dark, and all you had for light was what radiated from inside the fridge. You pressed the cup against the trigger and the water flowed from the fridge into your cup. When you had enough, you took the cup and put it on the counter.

You decided to rummage through the fridge and the pantry, just to find a snack. You managed to find a bag of chips in the horde of spaghetti boxes. The many spaghetti boxes belonged to Papyrus, Sans' brother.

Sans was asleep upstairs, hence why you were so silent. Papyrus was staying with Alphys, a lizard-like scientist in the Hotlands, just so he could speak with her. It was about you and Sans always being up late and constantly being tired.

Eh, well, that's insomnia for ya.

You grasped the bag of chips tighter, grabbed your glass of water, and went back to the living room.

You set your water on the floor and laid on the couch. You opened the chip bag and set it on your bigger chest. A bony hand suddenly reached up and grabbed a chip, making you jump.

Sans looked at you with a smile that showed his sly side. He turned back to the TV and said, "Why are you suprised? It's three forty-eight in the morning. I was bound to get up sometime."

"Good point." You said with a sigh, laying back down. Thankfully, the chips didn't fall on your chest and stomach when you jumped. "I thought it was a good point. Not that surprising, though." His smile widened. You hit his round skull lightly, "Stop joking about me getting startled. It's rude." He chuckled, his shoulders rolling with it.

He stopped laughing and looked at you again. "So when'd you get up?" "Three o'clock." You replied sadly. "Why so sad about it?" He questioned. "I want to have a normal life. I don't want to be getting up at this time for weeks in a row. I'm tired of the same nightmare over and over again." You said softly. He stands up and motions for you to sit up. You sat up for him, putting your glass on the table next to the couch and putting the chips with them.

He sat next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, "I know. Me too. But we have to be strong and wait. Understand?" You nodded, tears threatening to escape your eyes. "Come on," He mumbled, loud enough to hear him. He pulled you in as you went to put your face in his chest.

You sobbed into his chest while he shushed you, keeping you calm. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, "It's okay." He patted your back slowly, meaning to be a soothing best friend. You push yourself back, calming down and stopping your sobs.

Your cheeks were red and puffy from crying, and your eyes were a darker [E/C] color, though you payed no mind to it. "You okay now?" Sans asked calmly. You nodded, wiping more tears away. He turned your head to face him with a finger. He had this soft look about him, unlike himself. he was usually this pun making, hot dog selling, wide smiling skeleton. But the look was oddly calming against how weird it was to see the look.

You smiled and took his hand off, "I think I'm okay now." Attempting to go back to watch TV was a fail. He grabbed you by your wrist, jerking you back onto his flat body. He laid down and dragged you with him. He rested you in a space between him and the couch. Luckily, you could fit in that space.

You gave in to the warmth and comfort. You gave a sigh and calmed yourself. He wrapped his arm around your waist tightly, "I know this isn't like me, but I don't care. We're insomniacs, and I love you." You buried your face in his side,

"I love you too."

One-Shots || Undertale and Undertale AUs Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ