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Chris Jericho's POV

Although my eye was in pain I was feeling great since I had overly protective AJ with me. He has an adorable worried face and he always make me a phenomenal breakfast (pun intended). If he wasn't here with me I'd be in more pain.

AJ: Do you need an ice pack? How about something to eat.
Chris: I'm good AJ.
AJ: Are you sure I mean your eye looks like it's in pain.
Chris: It is but trust me I'm ok.
AJ: I'm just worried about you.
Chris: Don't worry so much.
AJ: How am I not suppose to worry!? My boyfriend and the best friend I've ever had is hurt because he saved me. It should be me with the black eye and you know it.
Chris: AJ calm down. You know it's not your fault and saving you is my job as your boyfriend.
AJ: Just let me take care of you.
Chris: Only if you're not so over protective.
AJ: I can't help but be over protective!
Chris: Oh AJ we need to work on that.
AJ: Well I'm going to get something to eat are you sure you don't want anything?
Chris: Well some waffles would be ok.
AJ: So now you're hungry.
Chris: Shut up.
AJ: Well I'm going out. You stay here and rest your eye.
Chris: Ok love you.
AJ: Love you more!

AJ walked out before I could tell him how much I love him way more. I grabbed AJ's laptop and started watching the WWE Network.

AJ Styles POV

I got to the grocery store and started looking for the waffle mix. I walked down the aisle and grabbed the waffle mix as a guy behind me approached me. Then I recognized him.

AJ: Kenny Omega?!
Kenny: Hey AJ!
AJ: What are you doing in Gainesville... let alone America?
Kenny: Ha I actually came to visit you! I was gonna surprise you but you know.
AJ: Well it's great to see you!
Kenny: Well I was about to check out. I'll just wait for you.
AJ: Oh I'm about to check out too.

We walked to the check out and he insisted that he'd pay for the waffle mix. I didn't even realize that Chris was just laying on my couch in his underwear. Not only that but Kenny doesn't know we're dating or that I'm gay in the first place. We arrived at my house and I opened the door and greeted Kenny in. I see Chris rise up.

Chris: You're back and I see you brought a friend.
Kenny: OH MY GOD... Is that CHRIS JERICHO?!?!
AJ: Oh yeah that's him.
Kenny: I'm a huge fan. Wait what are you doing on AJ's couch?
Chris: What are you doing with AJ?
Kenny: Why do you care?
Chris: Well when someone is with my boyfriend-
Kenny: BOYFRIEND!!!!!
AJ: Oh god.
Kenny: Oh AJ I always knew you were gay but I didn't think Chris Jericho would be your boyfriend! I mean this is just crazy.
Chris: Why wouldn't I be his boyfriend? AJ is to good for me.
Kenny: AJ is too good for anyone I mean anybody that gets him is lucky. He's called the phenomenal one for a reason.
AJ: I'm not that great.
Chris: Kenny it sounds like you like AJ.
AJ: Shut up Chris.
Kenny: AJ is great but he's taken...
Chris: So you do like him.
Kenny: NO I DON'T!!!
AJ: Stop messing with my friends Chris. Sorry about him Kenny.
Chris: Whatever AJ.
Kenny: Why is Chris in his underwear? Did you two have sex before I got here.
Chris: Yeah Kenny you know AJ is a virgin.
AJ: You also shut the hell up Chris.
Kenny: I'll just guess you guys didn't get it on earlier.
AJ: Well obviously.
Chris: We would of if AJ didn't have some marriage rule.
Kenny: Ha! Who still waits for marriage these days!
AJ: I do and so far it has been fine.
Kenny: Do you ever have fantasies and if so how do you deal with them?
Chris: Great question.
AJ: That's not your business.

I finished the waffles and give them their food as they continue to ask stupid questions.

A/N: Sorry if it's short and stupid. Its been a while and I'm so sorry! I'll try to update again soon but I've bad at that so far.

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