Why Chris

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A/N: Well, its been awhile. I'm sorry about it but haven't had any ideas or time to really think about. There's lots going on in my life but that's shouldn't stop me from doing one of my favorite things! I'll try to be writing a lot to make it up for you guys. So I hope you enjoy and comment your favorite WrestleMania 33 match! Mine of course was the Shane McMahon vs AJ Styles match.

Chris Jericho's POV
Today was a hard day. Triple H plans on having Y2AJ split and I have to do it. I have to turn heel. I have to break up with my boyfriend. Now I won't actually break up with him but it feels like it. Maybe he'll understand? This can only better his career and everybody loves heel Jericho!? I rush to the shower before he wakes so maybe I'll feel a little better but it doesn't work. I see AJ's precious face still sleeping then he lightly starts to open his baby blue eyes.

Chris: Hey sleepyhead.
AJ: Hey Chris, what time is it?
Chris: 8-ish I believe.
AJ: Oh I'm gonna get in the shower ok?
Chris: Of course but don't be long we should hit the road soon.
AJ: Oh yeah.

As he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek I wondered, "What if he broke up with me because of the heel turn?" He was the best thing in my life right now and I might lose him! I have to turn on him though. It'll better his career. After AJ was out of the shower we got our bags and hopped in the car.

AJ: I'm excited for this!
Chris: Yeah... me too
AJ: Oh is there something wrong?
Chris: Oh n-no it's just, you know, I've been doing this for awhile now.

Honestly I still get excited for work even though I've been doing this for years.

AJ: Oh I get it.
Chris: Yep.

Once we got to the hotel for Raw we put our stuff down and chilled until we had to leave for Raw. That time came. Time to code break AJ. We got out there to the ring and did what we normally did. Then everyone started with the same AJ Styles chant. It was catchy as hell I'm not mad. But Chris Jericho, the wrestler, is. I had to get angry. AJ looked confused and he whispered asking if I was alright. I just ignored him and turned on him. I saw his hurt and confused body on the floor. I whispered I'm sorry but he obviously didn't here. I left the ring as I was booed out. When I got backstage I saw Sasha Banks.

Sasha: I bet you and AJ planned this out already.
Chris: Actually I didn't tell him.

AJ finally came from the ring looking angry! I could tell he didn't like the code breaker.

AJ: You have a lot of explaining to do.
Chris: I'm sorry I had too.
AJ: That's not why I'm mad. Why didn't you tell me first.
Chris: I was scared.
AJ: I'm too angry to deal with you right now. If you were going to turn on me at least let me know. Why did you do it anyway?
Chris: I had too. You need other things besides being Chris Jericho's partner.
AJ: Doing things behind my back doesn't help. I'd like to know what's happening to my own career.
Chris: I know but I was scared you would get angry and change the plans.
AJ: Wait... why wouldn't you want me to change the plans? I thought you liked being a tag team, I mean you are my boyfriend.
Chris: Well it's not that it's just-
AJ: Just what? You know I'm going to the hotel then straight to my house.
Chris: AJ! Calm down.
AJ: Why should I? So you could hide some more secrets from me?!

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