Chapter 20

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The ring of the flat-line rang in my ears long after the heart monitor was turned off. It rang as Dr. Stevens told me she was sorry for my loss. It rang as the tears rolled down my face and Pete tried to hug me. And it rang as they rolled her body out. Even two days later, it still rings as I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling trying to figure out what happens next.

"Get some sleep." Pete mutters to me in a sleepy voice.

"I can't." 

"We have a lot to do tomorrow. We have to arrange the funeral and go to the will reading and that will all take forever. Please sleep." He rest his arm around me before drifting back to sleep. I closed my eyes, begging for sleep that never came until the sun began to turn the sky into a deep, dark blue.

"Patrick." Pete ran his hands through my hair. "Come on babe. Wake up please." I felt his hand lay on my cheek as the other continued to run through my hair.

"I'm up." I opened my eyes to greet his.

"Get dressed. We can go get breakfast before everything else." He kissed my cheek before walking away.

"Please, take a seat." The lawyer greeted us with a handshake, smile, and a gesture towards the chairs. "I am Mr. Joseph, and this is my assistant Mr. Dun." He motioned towards a man standing behind his desk as we took a seat. "He will be answering any questions you may have as we wait for the rest of your family to show up. As I have said before, I have no idea what Patricia left in the will. She never let me read it, so we called her closest relatives here for the will reading. Now, if you'll so kindly excuse me, I have other matters to attend to untimely everyone arrives." He smiled as us before walking out, and gave Mr. Dun a look before whispering something into his ear. Dun's fist clenched and his body stiffened before Mr. Joseph walked away.

"You can just call me Josh. I feel like all the misters are too formal for me. I'm just the help." He smiled and sat in Mr. Joseph's desk.

"I'm Pete, and this is Patrick." Pete offered a nice smile to Josh.

"Oh, I know. It is my job to know." Josh joked.

"So what is it you help Mr. Joseph out with exactly?" I leaned forward, pointing the question.

"Organization, questions with clients, personal issues and advising. The menial things." Josh gave the slightest smile as he played with the pens on the desk.

"Menial... I bet." I muttered under my breah.

"Did you say something?" Josh asked.

"No, I'm sorry." I gave a smile.

"It's all good." He continued to play with the pens and throw them up in the air, and catch them.

"Mr. Dun, I uh... need your help in here for a moment." Mr. Joseph called from a door. He half leaned his body out, only exposing his waist up.

"Coming!" He called. "I'll be back in just a moment." Josh left the desk and followed Mr. Joseph through the door.

"They're fucking." I said as soon as the door closed.

"How do you know that?" Pete raised a brow.

"Maybe not right this minute, but they have some sort if sexual relationship."

"Proof?" Pete asked.

"It's how they talk to each other. The way Mr. Joseph whispered in Josh's ear. The way he paused while calling for Josh. The way Josh's entire body went stiff when Mr. Joseph whispered into his ear. And assistants don't 'advise' their lawyer bosses. And 'personal issues' was clearly subliminal."

"You're over looking it. I'm sure they are just really close from working together all the time." Pete dismissed.

"20 dollars says I'm right and that they are doing something sexual in that back room." I smirked.

"Deal." Pete held out his hand and we shook on it.

The longer they take in the room, the more I'm convinced I'm right. Family members began to file in and take seat behind Pete and I. My two aunts, cousin, and close friends of my mom all sat in the room behind us. Finally the door opened and out came a red faced Mr. Joseph with messy hair that he was trying desperately to fix, and following him was Josh with a crooked tie and a fresh hickey exposed every so slightly on his collar bone. They kept their respectable distance from each other and Mr. Joseph sat being his desk, and Josh took and extra seat on the side of the room. I looked at Pete who already had the 20 dollar bill in his hand and held out to me.

"Told you so." I took the money and shoved it in my pocket.

"Alright, we all know why we are here, so let's get this taken care of." Mr. Joseph pulled out the a sealed manila envelope and pulled out a stack of papers. "Most of this is just legal nonsense." He sorted through the papers until he found the one's he was looking for. "And here we go." He broke the seal on the smaller envelope and pulled out the paper.

"I wish to leave all my assest, including land, money, property, and material possessions to my son, Patrick Stump. Anything I have acquired since the creation of this document shall go to him as well. I also wish to be cremated, and Patrick can do whatever he wishes with the ashes. I'm sorry son. You will always have my love." He set the paper down and looked at the rest of us. "Well... that's it. Mr. Stump, gather all her assets and have it transferred to you to claim as you wish."

"Thank you, very much." I smiled and shook his band before turning around and greeting all the nasty faces of my relatives. Looks of disgust and anger filled the room. "You can all go home now, I don't know why you're still here. None of you got anything from this will." I waved towards the door and one at a time, the butch family got up and left.

"Is there anything else that needs to be done?" I asked Mr. Joseph.

"Not at the moment, but we will be in contact." He smiled and walked away.

"Thank you." I smiled and turned away to find Josh behind me.

"You know don't you?" He asked nervously.

"About you two? Yes." I laughed a little.

"Please don't tell anyone?"

"Never." I smiled. He shared one back before walking away to wherever Mr. Joseph went to.

Pete and and I left the room and followed the same hallway we used to get there.

"Man, I wonder if his wife knows." I wondered out loud.

"Who's wife?" Pete asked as we waited for the elevator.

"Mr. Joseph's. He has a wedding ring and picture of him and his wife."

"Shit. Kinda scandalous huh?" Pete smirked as we stepped into the elevator.

"Kinda hot too." I joked, and pressed the button for the ground floor. Pete looked at me for a moment before slamming his lips against mine. The force knocked me back into the elevator wall. His hands wandered straight down to below the belt, rubbing the sensitive area. He knew what he was doing was working, so he rubbed harder and faster until the elevator door dinged. We jumped off each other and my hands dropped down to adjust my pants to hide my erection. I looked down to avoid eye contact until I heard the familiar voice.

"Patrick?" I looked up to see Brendon standing there in the elevator door way.

"Brendon... what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I work here." He said. I looked at the floor number and saw it was the 34th floor.


Out of nowhere, Pete's fist collided with Brendon's face and Brendon fell the floor from the surprise of the shock.

"Pete!!" I screamed and pulled him away. When I looked to Brendon he was already on the floor holding his face and looking at us disgust. "I'm so sorry Brendon." I said as the elevator doors began to close.

"It's fine. I'll get him back." I heard right before the door closed fully.

Why do all Peterick fics have terrible titles? Mine included.

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