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I cant believe it...

I watched as my crushes lips collided with the red headed chicks, the girl I despised was gaining the man I love. He did it, he finally got her.

But what about me?

He knew I liked him.

He SAID so!

Yet here he was....crushing my hope of ever feeling those lips against my own.

A hand made its way to my shoulder, followed by an apologetic voice. "Courtney..." I could hear how sympathetic he felt for me. It only helped the tears fall. I squeezed my chocolate eyes shut and pushed him away, a choked sob leaving my throat while doing so. The sight of the newly found couple looking at me, only gave me the motivation to move myself, leave the lair, hopefully never seeing them again. 

With each pound of my feet running out of the lair, I could feel more and more tears rushing down my face. This cant be happening!

Heartbroken once again, I cant believe this...

Years of finding someone...who doesn't mind me being...heavyset, being weird, loud or even crazy. The same amount of years i have lost them to another girl, a girl who is skinnier and prettier than I am...


And Again...

And Again...

Will this ever stop? Will my life be a never ending cycle of heartbreak? Will I ever find the one for me?

No...It appears that wont happen...

I might as well leave those two alone....I should've known that this was going to happen...

Digging in my pockets for my keys, I pull out the key-chain, looking at the four keys. One of them caught my eye in particular. A purple heart shaped key. The very key that made me fall for him in the first place...


"Hey Courtney! Could you come in here for a moment?" I heard him call from his usually loud lab. 

I stood from my spot, placing down the controller I held. "I'll be back Mikey, don't you dare let me hear Mario" I laughed, heading towards the laboratory and heading inside. "Yes Don?" I asked, sitting on the desk.

He hands me a purple heart shaped key. It was more of a lavender, but i still found it to be cute. 

I blinked in surprise, holding up the key. "What is this for?" I asked him.

"I made it for you, for your house of course, Its an extra, in case you get locked out during the night, I-er, WE, don't want you to get hurt in the middle of the night where we cant save you..." He explained. "There's a button on the other side for an alarm, if you end up in an alley, that's your turtle alert." He joked. 

I couldn't help but to laugh. "Wow Donnie, Thanks for th-" A warm pair of arms made their way around my chubby body, causing me to blush. 

"Just...stay safe ok?" He says softly in my ear.

I slowly hug back, nodding. He truly does care....He was always so quiet and never talked to me, i thought he hated me. But he...cares....

End of Flashback...

I wiped away my tears. He led me on...only to break my heart....right in front of me....I would've settled for a simple text of happiness, not...

not THAT!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2018 ⏰

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