Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

"Caspar, you promised you wouldn't drink too much" I hissed to myself trying to pull him up from the floor.

I looked around me, everyone was practically in the same state. "What a way to start your eighteenth birthday" I said looking at my phone which now read 00:00.

"Caspar come on, try and stand-up" He stumbled on his feet trying to get up.

"F*ck" I cursed under my breath.

"Emily" his faint voice called out to me from the floor. I bent down, I could smell the strong alcohol scent from his mouth. "I... you" he mumbled. What? His face moved forward, our lips inches away from each other.


"Joe hurry up or we won't be getting on the plane" I shouted waiting by the door.

"I'm coming I'm coming calm down"

I looked down at my phone:

Caspy🍍: I'm downstairs with uber! (9:23)
Caspy🍍: EMMMM (9:24)
Caspy🍍: Emily Sugg please hurry your brother up.(9:26)
Caspy🍍: Emily just leave him, we can go together on a romantic trip (9:27)

I unlocked my phone laughing at the texts.

~I'm sure it'll be super romantic with Josh there 😂~ I answered.

"Joseph Graham Sugg if you don't get to this door in 5 seconds I'm leaving without you" I picked up my handbag and started walking out the door with my suitcase.

"Calm down I'm here" He smiled walking in front of me with his suitcase.

I locked the door and followed him to the elevator. The doors shut and no words were spoken between us.

Caspar's POV

I was looking out of the window of the uber, we had be waiting for Joe and Emily for 10 solid minutes. I was kind of nervous about this whole trip, if it wasn't because it was Emily's eighteenth birthday tomorrow we would have probably cancelled. Joe and I weren't speaking at the moment, I told him I liked Emily, he flipped out and left saying "We are doing this trip for Emily. That's it"

I really didn't know what was so bad, I was a little older but she was turning eighteen and she's just amazing. I decided I wouldn't tell her until I talked to Joe again and found out why he was so annoyed by it.

"Hey Caspy" the sweet voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"Hi Em" I smiled hugging her tight letting her get in the car "Joe"

"Just leave it" he whispered getting in the car. I frowned and got in the car sitting beside Emily.

"You ready?" I whispered in her ear.

"100 percent" she smiled turning her head to look at me.

We looked in each other's eyes and it felt like the world stopped, it was surreal, movie kind of surreal. Was she feeling the same? A blush crept up to her cheeks.

"Emily" Joe's voice suddenly cut the tension and she looked straight at her brother.


"Did you remember your passport?"

"Obviously" She hissed at Joe returning to her phone.

Soon enough we were at the airport, all booked and ready to board our plane. I sat beside Josh with Emily and Joe sitting behind us. Josh fell asleep soon as did Emily. Joe and I were both awake editing some videos. After a few hours everyone on the plane was asleep, the lights were all dimmed and I fell asleep.

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