Chapter 4

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Zoe's POV

I looked around me, Caspar was clearly angry looking at Joe with clear anger in his eyes but same as I Josh had realized and he was now taking him outside. I ran to the bathroom door and Joe tried to make the move but Alfie stopped him.

"Not now Joe okay" He soothed him sitting him down on one of the sofas. "I'll take you home in a second okay, don't move from here"

Alfie went over to the table were Tyler and Connor were sitting.

"Can you boys take a taxi with Joe back home?" He asked them and without needing an answer they were taking Joe out of the door.

Caspar and Josh were still outside and I was trying to talk to Emily through the door.

"Em, you know he didn't mean that baby, he's drunk off his ass"

But all the response I got was sniffs and the loud breathing of a young girl trying her best not to cry.

"It's really late baby girl we should go home now"

"I don't want to sleep with Joe tonight" she whispered making it barely audible. I looked at Alfie and he knew what I was asking, he nodded his head and I turned to talk to Emily.

"You're going to sleep with me tonight, we have a lot of catching up to do, Alfie will sleep in your bed. Sounds like a plan?"

She replied a yes and slowly opened the door revealing a tired looking red puffed eyed girl with a tear stained face. I hugged her tightly and then Alfie hugged her leading her to the taxi we had asked for. Josh had texted saying Caspar and him would be home right away, they just had to talk. We arrived at the house in about three minutes, when we unlocked the door Joe was passed out on the sofa, Emily quickly went upstairs, changed into her pyjamas and got her phone and appeared downstairs.

"I can show you to your room" she slightly smiled and Alfie and I followed her. She opened the door and revealed a big double bed with nice red sheets and really nice decorations.

"Okay well I'm going to take my suitcase to your room misses" Alfie smiled giving Emily a hug and giving me a quick but sweet kiss.

Emily's POV

Alfie left the room and as soon as he did Zoe turned around to look straight at me.

"You have to talk to me" she said seriously, taking my hand and sitting me on the bed next to her "What's going on between Caspar and you?" Before I could talk she kept on talking "Before you deny it, I saw you two kissing, so now, I'll give you free reign to explain to me what is going on."

And just with that I started bawling my eyes out, Zoe hugged me tightly. "I'm not blaming you or saying it's bad Em, I just want to know what's going on" Zoe smiled caressing my back.

"It just happened, Caspar was drunk and he kissed me, he told me he loved me and then he punched a house and then we talked and I told him I liked him and I don't know Zoe it just happened I guess we've both liked each other for so long and haven't said anything because of I don't know... fear of Joe or fear of the viewers or simple fear of each other. And for once I'm happy with the choice I made, I'm happy i told him, I'm happy to know I have someone beside me who cares so deeply about me, I'm happy Zoe but Joe hates me and hates it and hates everything about Caspar and I together and he's right you know. I do screw everything up Zo. Daniel, mum and dad, absolutely everything. Joe is right, I'll probable screw this up with Caspar too."

"Em please don't say that, you don't screw anything up. If Daniel harassed you, followed you home and kidnapped you it's on Daniel, it's not on you" She had starts crying by now. "If mum and dad broke up it was because they weren't happy with each other anymore, if you had something to do with it Joe and I had the exact same fault as you. So stop victimizing yourself, I know im being kind of mean but don't victimize yourself, you didn't do anything bad so stop blaming yourself for things you didn't do. If something goes wrong with Caspar it's because it's not meant to be baby girl, not because you will do something wrong. You can't fear everything you do just because you believe you'll screw it up."

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