Double Hit

165 1 0

Pairing: HoennChampionShipping

Rating: SFW (quite a bit of swearing)

Two wrongs can possibly do something right.

Warning: Shitty angst written by yours truly 


His heart was racing as he wept quietly into his hands. He tried his best not to hear the panic coming from the room down the hallway, but the faint concerned questions haunted his mind. 

"Mister Stone?" One of the doctor's soft voice broke his thoughts.

His face snapped up, his blue eyes watery and face stained with red. "...Is it alive?" He hostilely growled.

The doctor gently cupped one of his hands. "It didn't make it. We're terribly sorry." 

Steven instantly leapt up, marching his way to the room. The doctors flooded out, letting him have his moment. 

His crying intensified as he observed it. It's shell was horribly cracked, some impacts so severe that the small parts fell off. The heart rate monitor showed a flatline. Its body was lifeless, its eyes shut. The very sight made him want to drop on the floor and sob.

"Armaldo..." He whispered gently. "I'm so sorry..." His fingers curled around the foot of the bed, squeezing his eyes shut as tightly as he could. He stood there for about five minutes before he let go.

"Mister Stone?" The same voice alerted him after he stopped grieving. "I...I'm terribly sorry sir, but somebody just arrived saying she wants to see you. We can tell her you're busy, if you want?

"No, no. Just...give me a second. I shall be down in...sooner or later." 

The doctor nodded and walked off.


Thunder boomed as eyes met. The atmosphere around them somehow became darker, and the depressing tapping of the heavy rain against the windows didn't help.

"Long time, no see, Steven." She greeted, breaking the silence. "Gee, I wonder what you messed up this time..."

He became staggered, wincing at her extremely sour tone. "You could have arrived at any time..." He began, trying to fight back his tears. "But you decided to meet me during a time of absolute grief." His hands were clenched into fists.

May turned her back to him, her cheeks stinging. "Well, maybe if...if you didn't leave Hoenn this wouldn't have happened in the first place! I-it's your fault!" Her voice was cracking.

"May!" Steven gasped. "I...I cannot believe that would blame it's death all on me! All on my journey! What has happened to you?" 

She whipped around, her face red, visible tears forming in her eyes. "You could have talked with somebody! Anybody! You could've spoken with me...I understand the kind of crap you feel. But now you killed one of your own Pokémon!" She snarled. 

He stared at her for a few seconds, before sitting down onto a thin sofa and bawling into his hands. 

The tears in May's eyes expanded as guilt took over. "No! No!" She said, sitting next to him. "I'm sorry Steven! I didn't mean to-"

"It was my fault, May. I decided to go observe Mount Coronet during a terrible storm. I decided to bring Armaldo with me. Thus, it was crushed. It was all my fault." He shot a glance at her. She responded to this by placing a gentle hand on his forearm.

"It wasn't your goddamn fault, okay? I shouldn't have blamed you. It's just that..." May trailed off, staring at the floor.

She took a deep breath before continuing. "Do you...know how I had the time to get here? Why I didn't have any champion duties to attend to?" She asked, squinting her eyes bitterly. 

"I was going to ask that. Why?" He said between breaths. 

May inhaled through her teeth. "I wasn't planning on telling you this anytime soon. But...I'm not the champion anymore." Her tears finally escaped. 

Steven gasped. "I..." He felt her tighten her grip on his arm.

"I'm so sorry!" She hissed, jerking her head away. "I disappointed you...I should've been able to hold the title for at least three years...I'm not gonna tell you who defeated me...that...that would just make you even more ashamed."

They sat in silence as the hospital emptied. Soon enough, the only noise they could hear was each other's breathing. 

"May, it's okay." Steven spoke up once they both calmed down. "I'm not disappointed in you. You held the title for two years! And, I'm sure you can reclaim your title!"

She looked at him, a bittersweet smile on her face, blue eyes teary. "T-thank you...I...I'm sure, uh, Armaldo had a..."

"A good life?" He finished for her. "I'm sure it did."

"Are you planning on going to Mt. Pyre? To, uh, you know..." She nudged him.

Steven nodded. "Of course. It lived in Hoenn for most of its life, and it's only natural for it's final resting place to be there." 

"I'll go with you. I don't want you to leave me any more."



i suck

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