Chapter one: Beyond the unknown universe

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AN: Well basically, this is gonna be taking place the day the turtles go into space, and try to save earth again once they go back in the future. There's an OC in this, who Donnie does fall in love with, after he finds out April and Casey are dating. But yeah, enjoy!

The team was working on fighting the Triceratons. They had a weird powerful, circle thing built from metal parts. They called it the black hole generator. The turtles fought and fought alongside their friends, but nothing had worked.

Soon, the black hole began swallowing things little by little, giant water waves formed and began rising, buildings disappeared.

"Hey!! Over here!! Come with us!!" A girls voice sounded. They looked to a ship like structure that'd landed and somehow found them. A robot line thing was standing beside a girl.

"Come on hurry!!" The girl said holding her hand out. The turtles stared not knowing what to do, beside their senseis deceased body now.

"I'm nor dying today dudes!!" Mikey ran into the ship.

"Mikey!!!" They all yelled. They all ended up running into the shoo after him, and then it closed.

"No!!" Leo said banging on the ships door. Suddenly the ship began to rumble and speed off. Speed nobody had ever felt before. They all picked a place to sit around in their misery.

It was quiet for about ten minutes, some in disbelief, some in shock and some just mourning the loss of Master Splinter. The strange girl sat beside the robot, looking at each one of them.

"Okay, wanna tell us what's going on?! Why are we on here?! Why did you save us?!" Leo began spitting angrily. Venus stood up. Raph began shaking the robot.

"This is some kinda sick joke right?!" He shook the robot. The robot slapped him.

"Get a hold of yourself Raphael. All questions will be answered within time." The robot said and walked away, programming the ship with a screen on a window.

"That's not good enough! We need answers now!" April snapped.

"Hold onto something." The robot stated as he walked into a pod like thing, that encased everything but his head, and the ship began to fly fast, colorful walls on each side of it as it looked. Everyone screamed and yelled and fell all over the place. The ship was rocking and tilting and going full speed.

Soon it all stopped within a minute, and they saw earth again, fully replenished.

"Did we..we went back in time?!" Leo asked.

"Yeah. Six months from where the sun is." Donnie said.

"Yes, but only for six months." The robot said. Venus sat on a ledge of the ship, on the edge, one leg hanging off, her back resting against a bar, watching them.

"In this time, the Triceratons are gathering the parts for the black hole generator." The robot explained.

"The what??" Mikey asked confused.

"Black hole generator. It was what the Triceratons used to destroy your planet. See, long ago, three of the galaxies greatest rulers decided to keep such bad power safe. How you wonder? They broke it onto three fragments, and stored it in some of the safest hiding places." He explained.

"Clearly not." Raph said.

"Yes, you are right Raphael." The robot said.

"So if we can beat the Triceratons to the pieces, we'll be able to destroy it and save earth?!" Donnie asked.

"Indeed. But we only have six months. If we can't find the pieces by may be gone forever." He stated.

"But we can just go back in time again right?!" Mikey asked.

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