Chapter 2 ~ Welcome

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Phoenix's POV

It has been at least four hours since I took that dumb test . We all were told to read the four pages we were given , they all there different names but they had 'blocks' at the end . I am really diggin' this one block called Peace block , I think I would really fit in there . Parker would definitely fit in with Serenity block .

I can't believe I am actually considering choosing a "block" . As I am reading Arduous block I am interrupted by miss robot .

"Alright children , here are the results , you all passed . Like I knew you all would." Miss Robot stood up and motioned all of us up to her desk .

We all walked hesitantly to her desk , one by one we all were handed a box .

" Okay , now children go sit back down at your desks  ," as she spoke we all walked back with our boxes " You shall all see a there is four totems in each of your boxes . Please pick one totem that really .... SPEAKS to you . Once you do , put the others aside and hold your totem ."

I look at the totems and sigh , there was one that looked like waves , one that has two people hugging , just a huge claw mark is on one , then lady liberty is on the last one . The one of two people hugging seemed most appealing to be honest so I did as she said and took the totem then I pushed the others aside .

After a little while the door opens so I turn around  and about 30 kids walk in . I could feel my heart race when I see a man holding my brothers right arm tightly . Parker was trying to get free as the man held his arm  .

"Where is my sister?"

I look at Miss Robot and she nods her head . I smile brightly then get up , my totem in hand , I rush over to him . The man pushes me to the ground and people gasp .

"Back off little girl ." the large man demanded

I look up at the man and Parker , Parker then snapped . He punched the guy in the face then shook his hand .

"No one and I mean NO one pushes my sister down ."

He goes down and hugs me tightly . I hug him back and smile , Miss Robot was right behind Parker and I . She smiled and looked at the man .

"That was extremely unnecessary Blake .. Now Phoenix are you okay darling ?"

I get up and so does Parker , I brush myself off and nod my head .

"Yes ma'am."

She smiled and nodded her head "Good , now please go take a seat . Same goes for all of you other kids ."

I lead Parker to my desk and sit down , He sits down in the desk right in front of me . As people seat themselves Miss Robot passed my desk , I sigh then clench my hand around my totem .

"Now children ," She points at a corner with a large wave totem "If you have a totem that looks like that , please get up and go to that corner ."

When she says that only two kids get up and go to the corner .

"Now if you have a totem with a large claw mark on it then go to the corner with that totem."

About five people got up and went to the corner . Most of them wore dark clothes and stuff like that . There was this one blonde though , she was very fit and she had that floral dress with uggs . It kinda didn't make sense , she seems like a girl that would choose the lady liberty or wave totem .

"The people with The Lady Liberty totem , please go to your corner."

Not even joking like half the students that were sitting , got up and walked to the corner.

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