Chapter 3 ~ Arduous block

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Lexi's P.O.V

It's been two days and I feel like I dying! .

"Alright Brody get on the mat. You too Lexi." General Gordian ordered

I let out a small breath and stood up .

"Yes sir!"

I ran onto the mat and looked and Brody . He had a lot of muscle , I don't think Imma be able to fight this guy ! He looks like someone that could snap me in half  . The bell rung oh god , I thought to myself . He threw the first punch and I dodged it! I swung my foot at his shins and he jumped over it . DANG IT! He punch me in the face and I fell back . I could hear 'oooo' coming from everyone that was watching . I didn't stand up , my face hurts so bad at the moment . I could tell my nose was bleeding but i didn't care , my face hurts!

"Match goes to Brody." General Gordian says proudly

"Hey Lexi are you okay?" Brody said worriedly

He rushed to me and looked at me . I groan and whimpered because that's all i could do! This really sucks ...

"Shoot , I think ya broke her! "

A girl with white hair stood in front of me. I could hear slight gasps erupt from people .

"Captain Bard what a pleasant surprise ." General Gordian says

She let out a soft chuckle "Aw Gordian how sweet. Is your wife not giving you any?"

Everyone laughed , I tried but it hurt .

"Oh gawd my face." I finally spoke

"Oh little one cheer up , at least he didn't break a bone!"

She helped me up , when she did blood spewed out of nose .

"Oh that's nasty. You really need to clean up yourself." she said

Brody helped me steady myself then i tried to walk but I was very unsuccessful . I collapsed to the floor .

"Lexi!" Brody yelled and rushed to me then he held my hand

"I'm okay." I pulled my hand away

I stood up and walked slowly away from the group . As I walk I could feel the blood go down my chest.

"Eww." I groan

"Alexander go help her." Captain Bard ordered

"Yes captain."

I felt someone wrap his arm around my waist .

"What are you- ?" I look at Alexander and sigh

"It's just me Lexi." he laughed a bit

"I knew that." I smiled and walked

"He beat you up pretty bad huh?"

"It wasn't that bad. Was it ?" I blushed

"You didn't do anything except a leg swipe Lex."

"I know ."

"You are really good with your side kicks why didn't you do that?"

I mumble " I was nervous."

"So in war when you are nervous you aren't gonna do your best?"

"No." I say

"This is what we are training for Lexi . War  . " he said

"I know Alex but I don't think I'm fit enough for war.." I sighed 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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