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She was greeted by the beautiful Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopiea and Cepheus, chained against a sea cliff. The princess' hands and feet were bounded on both sides to the gigantic boulder, and several chains crisscrossed across her body. She wore a fearful expression on her face.

A few inches to the right of the princess, a sea monster with dark, menacing red eyes and sharp, black scales slowly approached from the deep waters, baring it's fangs out. The monster was ready to devour the helpless princess.

In the next instance, her eyes were met with the handsome image of Perseus, nephew to the king of the city of Argos, slashing the demonic sea monster down. Perseus's sword speared deep through the beast, blood pouring out into the open sea.

The final image was one of Perseus and Andromeda running off together, happily in love. She knew how the next part of the tale went. The goddess Athena would place the constellation of Andromeda in the stars as a reward for keeping her parent's promise to Perseus.

She extended her arm out, reaching for the running forms of the happy couple. She tried to chase after them, but she couldn't move.

Wait! She wanted to say. Don't leave me here!

Suddenly, the smell of the ocean and the swift breeze and the retrieving pair all disappeared. Until she found herself in a warm, dimly lit room, staring up at her outstretched hand.

Her eyes widened when her gaze moved from her fingertips. Against the ceiling of the room was the painted retelling of the constellation of Andromeda. They were miniscule drawings, but they had so much detail put into them. There were gaps of space between the images to indicate the various scenes.

She saw the image of the chained princess, then Perseus slashing the monster, and finally the couple running off together. It was all just a dream from the paintings, she speculated.

At that very second, she felt a sharp throbbing in her head. And then all the memories came flooding back. My name is Zayah Bahar. I was part of a recent recon mission with Vaani, Layla, and Haider. Our ship malfunctioned and ended up crashing. We were running out of oxygen. I thought we were going to die.

But I didn't? She pondered to herself as she slowly tried to sit up. She removed the soft quilt layered on top of her. It was a simple beige blanket with red stitches for decoration. Somehow, the design of the blanket befitted the beauty of the room.

The minute she sat upright, her head began to spin, and she felt a rush of nausea. Zayah quickly rested a hand against her forehead, hoping that the dizziness would stop.

She heard a tink to her right, like a glass being placed on top of wood. Through the corner of her eye, she noticed a pair of intricate leather shoes retreating away. She lifted her head almost immediately.

Zayah couldn't see much through the intense vertigo that splashed between her vision, but she could make out a flowy, purple cape of the leather shoes owner. She also caught a glimpse of a bedazzled crown nesting upon his head.

Wait. Please. Stop. I need answers. My friends, are they okay? Where are we? Please! She tried to call out to Leather Shoes, but all she could do was muster a thin squeak through her dry throat.

She then heard loud voices from outside the room once the mysterious person was out through the door. "Prince Rehan, was it absolutely necessary that you had to visit her now?" One of them hissed, as the sound of multiple footsteps grew fainter and fainter.

Prince? Zayah repeated to herself, dazed. Her attention diverted to the jug of liquid that this apparent prince had placed on the wooden table beside her bed (the table too was decorated with painted diagrams).

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