Chapter two

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5 days prior

(Jack's POV)
So much rain, this month it's rained so much. So glad we're leaving soon, me and the boys can get to Mark. Is he okay? What if he's dead? What if he doesn't remember me?...
"Jack? Hellooooooo." Alex pulled me out of thought.
"Sorry sorry, what's up?" I shake away my thoughts. Focusing on the Tall man in front of me.
"We're gonna start to head out, and I'm not leaving you" Alex smiles and offers me a hand, pulling me up from against a tree. Ross and Chris were already packing up what little stuff we had for ourselves. We have extra stuff for the boatman so he'll take us to the states, mostly food. I throw my stuff into my pack, most of it is wet from all the fook'n rain.
"Leave'n the park today?" I ask, smiling as Ace, Ross' husky pads up beside me.
"Yep, about a seventeen hour trip cause we don't have a car." Chris answering my question.
"Seventeen hours?!? Bloody hell mate, this friend of yours better be there with food!" Ross adds, making the three men chuckle. Alex was looking at the map.
"Portmagee right Trott?"
"Yeah, that's where the guy does pick ups."
"Hey guys, are you sure that we can trust this guy?" I say, feeling a little uncertain about the travels.
"Relax Sunshine, he's the best there is" Chris says, easing my nerves a little as I nod. It's about 7am when we leave the park. We were over on the southwest side of the Muckross lake, we stayed along the lake side so we could fish. The whole trip I was thinking about Mark, I was worried...

(Smith's POV)
The trip took us a day and a half to get to Portmagee, longer than I wanted. We made it here safely, that's what matters. We were to meet the man at some old bar from before the plague hit. "What's the guy's name again Trott?"
"John MacNamara, and his boat is the Moira." Trott said.
"Should I talk to him cause I'm Irish or no?" Jack asked with a curious look in his eye.
"Sure mate, knock yourself out." I say as I smile and open the door for him to go first. He strutted to the counter with us right behind. We walked past a few groups of people, some not so friendly looking.
"Is John MacNamara here?" His Irish accent strong as he spoke. The barkeeper pointed to a man in the corner of the room in a large navy blue fishermans jacket and a baseball cap. Jack walks up to the man and speaks. "Hi I'm Jack, and we need a boat ride!" He spoke a little childish which made me worry some. The man looked up at Jack and his eyes went wide.
"Jack?" He said in a gruff Irish accent. "Someone's looking for you young man." He hands Jack a picture.

Ahhhh! Okay so I feel like this ones a real chapter, I'm basing the places in the story from a real places in Ireland and it took a lot of research. But yeah, hope you enjoy it! See you guys in the next chapter and tell me what you think!!

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