Favorite music to listen to together

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Bellamy: hotel California, and benny and the jets. You introduce him to new music a lot and he just enjoys sitting with you and listening to it as well as hearing you jabber on about what you think the songs are about.

Murphy: tear you apart by she wants revenge. Murphys taste in music is a little more violent then yours but you still enjoy the music he plays and like to annoy him with your softer music that you play.

Monty: waiting on the world to change/ breath by seeb. monty and you have almost perfectly aligned music tastes, you enjoy when you find cds stashed in and old car and briging them back to listen to.

Lexa: the performers at polis. Lexa doesn't have power obviously so she can't play music but you can hear the performers in the streets of the capital perfectly from her throne room.

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