Sleeping situation

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Bellamy: Bellamy really enjoys spooning like a lot and he is obviously the big spoon, he makes it to where at night you feel bad for leaving to go to the bathroom at night because your afraid he'll stir and wake up.

Lexa: she can get kinda annoying at night because she takes up the whole bed on purpose she thinks it's absolutely the funniest thing when you have to move her leg off of your side of the bed just so you can lay down.

Murphy:  He keeps you up at night he enjoys just talking and being sarcastic and joking around. A fraise you utter a lot is "John if you don't shut up and go to sleep right now I swear to god"

Monty: you usually fall asleep before Monty because he stays up to work on whatever project he's working on at that time, you always wake up to him sleeping like a rock still in his day clothes, you always without fail have to drag him out of bed cause he's so exhausted from last night.

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