grief & humans

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So have you ever lost somebody? I have. And that shit knocks you down, fast. Like one day your completely fine, then the next you want to cry and stay in bed. Like can we not? Can my heart not do this? Can I just move on? Why is it that it feels like I am stuck on this one person? Do we really give people this amount of power without realizing it? Do we honestly give so much room in our hearts to them to allow them to cause us to fall in depression? Yes, yes we do. Because we are humans. That is it honestly. Humans have the tendency to love someone so much that when they pass on it leaves us empty.
I lost a grandfather, I only had two, and I didn't know the first one. My parents didn't want me around a drunk. So I only had the one really. And he died. Yeah I cried when other people had died. But MY GRANDPA died, he is gone. I don't like to visit my Nana because my papa isn't gonna be there. He won't be able to meet my boyfriend, if I ever get one. He won't be there to see my kids, he won't be there at my wedding, and that tears me apart. So much. I won't ever get another proper hug, even when he was dying I only got to see him when he was in the coma, and only once more after that, and he was sick, he didn't look like my grandpa. And I barley remember his voice. I want to hear it again. So bad. And it hasn't even been a year... I miss him.

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