New kid

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It was almost a standoff, neither of us really did anything for a minute.

"Do you have the studio today?"

He seemed to not really know if he did or not and kept looking around.

"I was supposed to be starting lessons with Ms. Teresa today, but I'm not sure if I got the right room."

So he is supposed to be here.

"Her lessons are held up the stairs to your left."

I said pointing to the stairs with a curtain covering the archway.

"Now that you mention it, she did say upstairs, I really am an airhead aren't I?"

He said mostly to himself while laughing.

"Well, thank you.."


"Thank you Dan, get back to your dancing, you looked really good."

He informed me until he reached the stairs.

"I'm Phil by the way."

And then he was gone, leaving me in a big open room all for myself.

I did as he said and danced until everyone started showing up for their classes.

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