Not Like Them

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I used to care what others think
I still do, I'm sure

But not such a huge part of me
I'm not like them anymore

I tried being fake, I tried being normal
But in the words of Phil Lester
"Normal-ness leads to sadness"

So now I float above them all
I live in the clouds
And the stars

I watch the sun rise
And I watch as it sets

While everyone else is busy
With trivial things
I'm busy
With important things

They could try and bring me down
But they no longer have the strength
To pull me from the happiness I found
The happiness I found all on my own

And while I could laugh at them
And put them below me
Instead I help them.
I help them with their happiness that needs to be found
Their happiness that demands to be found and felt

I know what it's like to be sad
To want to die
To self harm
And I don't want that for any of them
Even if they caused it

I'm not sadistic

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