Chapter 1:

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Carrie's POV:

Thank you Michigan I hope y'all had a fun time with us tonight have a safe drive home and a Merry Christmas I say as I walk off the stage. This was my second to last show of the Play On Tour for this year! Tonight I'm heading back to Nashville because my last show of this year is going to be at the Bridgestone Arena! All my friends from Nashville are going to be there. I get onto my bus and head home. On the drive home I decide to call Ivey to see what she was doing. Hey Ivey what's up? "Hey Carrie and nothing much just got off the phone with Mark" ok nice, I'm so excited to see everyone tomorrow before the show. "Yes me too" who all did you invite I ask her? " well the whole band, Trevor, Erin, Me, Blake, Miranda, and a few other people. I think Trevor is bring Shea Weber and his buddy since he's staying at Shea's house" oh wow I haven't seen Shea in awhile I miss him and his wife!! " well you can see them tomorrow " well I'm gonna go Ivey I need to call Drew to see if he's coming! "Bye Carrie" bye I'll see you tomorrow. It's almost 1 a.m. I wonder if Drew is still awake so I guess ill just call him.

Carrie: Hey baby I don't know if your awake or not so I just decided to call you anyways. I don't know if you have to work or not tomorrow but before my show my band and friends are having a party for me since it's the last show in the states before I go to Canada to finish the tour.

Drew: I'm busy right now Carrie he said yelling, I don't think I'll be able to come.

Carrie: You promised you would be there I said in a sad voice.

Drew: well things come up. I got to go! I'll talk to you later

Carrie: I love you babe

And before I could say anything else the phone went silent.

I just decided to go to sleep and hopefully everything would be fine in the morning. The next morning I woke up around 7:30 to a knock on my bedroom door and the bus was stopped so I assumed we were home. I opened the door and Mark was standing there. "Carrie were home, come on Ivey is here and she will take you home " so I got up and threw sweats and a hoodie on and grabbed my suitcases and some other things. I walked off the bus and gave Ivey a hug and then got into the car. She drove me home and I got all my stuff and headed inside. Home sweet home I said as I walked in threw the door. I went upstairs and took a shower and got dressed. I put on some jeans and a long sleeve flannel and headed out the door to the Bridgestone. When I got to the arena there were already people outside waiting. I got inside the Bridgestone and went to my dressing room. While I was getting dressed I heard a knock on the door " hold on one sec" I finished and opened the door. It was Erin and we talked for a few and walked to the nacho stand and got some Nachos and took a few pictures with some workers. We continued walking to the banquet room where the party was being held. We walked in and I saw a lot of my friends and some family. It was so nice to see everyone. I walked over to Trevor and saw Shea and his wife, gave them both hugs and talked to them for a few. They also introduced me to Sheas friend from Ottawa Canada.

Trevor: Carrie this is Mike.. Mike Fisher. Mike this is Carrie!

Carrie: Well Hello nice to meet you Mike.

Mike: it's a honor to meet you also Carrie he said with a smile.

Mark: Carrie, Ivey forgot to tell you but were taking you with us to the Hockey game tomorrow. Shea got us the box for us. Mike plays for Ottawa and will be there also.

Carrie: alright awesome sounds fun she said even though she knows nothing about hockey.

Carrie: IVEY!!!

Ivey: what Carrie?

Carrie: I say you have game night tomorrow after the hockey game.

Ivey: alright I will but why we haven't done this in awhile?

Carrie: just because I miss hanging out!

Ivey: fine who's all coming?

Carrie: um me, Trevor, Erin, Shea, his wife and the hockey player

Mark: you want fish to come? " yea why not?"

Mark: alright I'll invite them. Let me go let them know.

So I walk away and start to think I haven't talked to Drew all day and I miss him so much! Hopefully he's coming to the show. Maybe he's just running late. Or maybe he had to work. Hopefully he will be here after. Well it's show time, I walk onto the stage and blow Nashville away. It was so fun but sad that the tour is almost over. The concert was almost over when I saw Drew on the side of the stage. He looked like he has been drinking. Well the show was over and I was telling the audience goodnight. I walk off the stage and all my friends were cheering me on and patting my back. Drew and I walk back to my dressing room.

We get back to my dressing room and go in an shut the door. I could smell the alcohol on him, Drew have you been drinking? "Carrie what does it matter to you?" He says yelling at me! Because you know your not suppose to be. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I WILL DO BITCH, ITS THE OTHER WAY AROUND I TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!" Um no you don't Drew, you never have and never will. Get out we're done! I'm done I can't take this anymore! "Carrie stop I'm sorry" No get out! He wouldn't leave so I walked out and he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me. It hurt so bad and I started to scream and Trevor, Mark and Mike just happened to be walking by they tried to get Drew off of me and Mike was trying to get him to let go of my hand. Finally he let go and security took him till the police got there.

Mike: are you alright Carrie?

Carrie: no my wrist hurts and I can't move it. He hit me in the back too.

So Ivey went into Carrie dressing room so the could look at her back. Carrie lifted up the back of her shirt and Ivey said there was a really big bruise. Mark, Ivey and Mike ended up taking Carrie to the hospital to get her hand looked at to make sure it wasn't broken. They found out that is was a sprain so they wrapped it up and put her in a sling.

Mark: im so sorry this happened to you Carrie! I told you he was a low life. You don't need him!

Carrie started to tear up in her eyes and she knew this was true. You guys don't have to stay I can have Walter (Carries driver) come get me or something. I know you guys are tired. Ivey and Mark said their goodbyes to Carrie. Are you ready to go Mike, Mark said? "I'll just take a taxi back to Trevor's since it's the opposite way no worries!" Alright we will see you tomorrow Mike Ivey said as they walked out the door!! Mike you don't have to stay I'll be alright I said to him. "No it's alright I want to stay" so the nurse came in and gave Carrie her papers and to let her know she could leave. Mike and Carrie walked out into the waiting area to wait for Walter.

Carrie: Mike I can have my driver take you to Trevor's, it's right down the street from my house anyways.

Mike: are you sure there is no trouble I know you probably wanna get home so you can rest your arm.

Carrie: no it's fine.

Carrie and Mike get into the SUV and sit there in silence till Mike said he was sorry that happened. I told him it was alright and I started crying a little. Mike: Carrie its not alright your crying right now and you shouldn't be. No man should make a girl cry ever! He put his hand on my knee and turned and looked at me. No girl especially you should get treated like that. We finally pulled up in front of Trevor's house. Mike gave me a hug and put his number in my phone just in case something was to happen. He told me he would see me tomorrow at the hockey game. Bye Carrie and he shut the door. I finally made it home and texted mike.

Hey Mike it's Carrie I just got home, thank you so much for what you did today! It was so nice meeting you and spending some time with you even though it was in the hospital ha ha. I'll see you tomorrow goodnight. I sent it, locked my phone and put it on the bed side table. I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep!

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