Chapter 2

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Carrie's POV:

The next morning i woke around 11 am and went downstairs took some medicine for my hand so it would stop hurting. I also had a banana and a smartwater, After i ate some food i went and took a shower so i could get ready for the day. After i got out of the shower i got dressed and did my makeup and hair. It was kinda hard since my hand hurt to even tounch or pick up anything. I decided to call Ivey to see if we were still hanging out later. She said yes so i decided to text Mike.

"Hey Mike, i was just wondering if you were still going over Ivey and Marks tonight?"

Mike: "Hey Carrie and yes i am if you still want me too, I was going to see if you wanted me to pick you up and maybe we could go and get a bite to eat?"

"Yes Mike i would love too"

Mike: " Alright awesome I'll be over in about twenty minutes."

About 15 minutes later the door bell rang. I answered it and i saw Mike standing there with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates.

" Hey Carrie! How are you?  I know you probably don't feel good so i brought you some flowers and chocolates to try and help you feel better. Are you ready to go and by the way you look beautiful"  Mike said smiling at me and flashing his pearly white teeth.

"Aw thank you, your to kind" Carrie said as she took the flowers and put them in a vase. Let's go. Carrie and Mike walk outside to Mike's Ford F150 and Mike opens the door for Carrie and helps her get in since she really couldn't because of her hurt hand. Mike walked to the other side and hopped in. "I made us reservations at Demos downtown Nashville for 4 so we should start heading that way. We will probably we early but we can walk around downtown." "Alright sounds good" Carrie said. They drove downtown and found a parking in the parking garage. " So where do you want to go Mike?" "I'm not sure Carrie, I've only been downtown once and that was for a game and i don't really remember much so you should show me around." So Carrie and Mike walked around downtown and went into little stores and walked into Tootsies because Carrie heard one of her songs being sung. "Wow Carrie that girl doesn't sounds as half as good as you do" Mike said with a smile flashing those pearly whites again. "Thanks Mike that means a lot to me" So Carrie and Mike made their way to Demos to eat before they went over to Ivey and Mark's house for game night tonight. At dinner they talked about a few different things like Hockey, touring, family, about themselves. After they ate and talked they were on the way out of the door and some guy accidently bumped into Carrie and hit her hand. She started to tear up and Mike didn't know why because he didn't see what happened. Once they got outside Carrie told Mike what happened. Mike was so concerned with Carrie and her hand. " Do you need to go to the hospital Carrie?" "No Mike I'll be fine i promise" Mike was still very worried. "I don't really feel like going over Ivey's tonight, my hand is hurting to much." Carrie called Ivey and explained what happened with her hand at the restaurant and how it hurts to much. "Hey Mike since your going home tomorrow and be barley got to hangout i was wondering if you wanted to just come back to my house and we could watch a movie." "Yes i would love too Carrie."

When Carrie and Mike got back to Carrie's house they walked in and went into the kitchen. "Hey Mike do you want to make ice cream sundaes" Carrie asked. "Sure" So they made ice cream sundaes. While Mike was making his Carrie went upstairs to her room and changed into some comfortable clothes which was sweatpants and a t-shirt. She went back downstairs and Mike was sitting there waiting for her. They ended up not watching a movie since they wanted to keep talking and getting to know each other. "So i hear your coming to Canada next week for a few shows right?" "Yes actually i leave Thursday morning and my first show is on Saturday in Ottawa. Isn't that where you're from?" Carrie asked Mike. " Yes, maybe if I'm lucky enough i can still buy tickets and ill come to you're show." " Oh come on Mike you don't need a ticket to see me. ill give you two free tickets, and you can come and bring your wife or girlfriend" " haha you're funny Carrie. I don't have a girlfriend or wife but i will bring my niece she loves you." "Alright bring her on and ill give you two back stage passes" "Alright sounds good, i don't want to leave tomorrow" Mike and Carrie talked the rest of the night away about random stuff. It was about 2;30 when Carrie started to fall asleep sitting next to Mike. Mike ended up waking up Carrie and walking her upstairs to her bed and helping her get into it so she didn't hurt her hand. "Carrie I'm leaving now, i have to be to the airport at 10 and its almost 3 so i probably should get to sleep and I'm not even sure if Trevor is still awake. " You can sleep on the couch if you want or in the spare bedroom i don't mind" "Alright Carrie ill lay on the couch" Mike covered Carrie up and he started to walk away when Carrie said to come back and sit on the edge of the bed. So Mike walked towards Carrie and sat down. "Mike i don't know if you feel the same way or not but i feel like we know a lot about each other and something about you makes me feel really warm and fuzzy inside, you're perfect" Carrie said with a smile. " Carrie I know how you feel and i feel the same way. You're amazing. Goodnight Carrie I'll see you in the morning" Mike got up off the bed and walked out of the room. When Mike was about to walk down the stairs all he heard was Carrie behind him saying wait! Carrie ran to him and grabbed the back of Mike's neck and pulled him towards her and their lips met. They stood their lip to lip for about two minutes kissing. " I can't wait to come visit you next week in Canada" Carrie said as she smiled and walked back towards her room. Goodnight Mike"

Carrie laid down and fell right asleep, for Mike on the other hand he went back downstairs and laid there in silence thinking about Carrie and him kissing. He knew he had feeling for Carrie and he couldn't believe she had the same feels towards him. Mike fell asleep after an hour thinking about her. Mike woke up around 8:30 to a smell. He could smell pancakes so he walked into the kitchen to find Carrie making breakfast for Mike before he left. "Hey Mike how did you sleep on that couch" Carrie asked. "It was perfectly fine for me" Mike and Carrie ate and Mike got ready to leave. Before Mike left to go to the airport Carrie gave Mike a hug and told him she couldn't wait to see him again next week. They both pulled apart and looked at each other and smiled. Mike pulled Carrie in by her waist and gave her a kiss, after that Carrie walked Mike towards the door and opened it. " Bye Mike" Carrie said. "Its never a goodbye Carrie its always a see you later" Mike said as he kissed her again and walked out the door. Carrie shut the door and leaned against it and slide down the door to the floor and just thought of him and smiled. " See you later" Carrie said as she shut her eyes and smiled again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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