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                        Y O U R   P O V
As you pulled away from Anti you heard the 'ohhhs' and whistles from the crowd. You immediately started to blush, realizing you were in fact the center of attention which you actually hated. Anti smiled at you, him blushing almost as hard as you. Dark was the first to come up to Anti, he pulled him into a bro hug, "Good job Anti, she's a keeper." He whispered to him, but purposefully loud so you could hear as well. You blushed even harder and Anti smiled even brighter. You looked over at Kalyn who standing next to Ella. Kalyn was smiling and giving you two cheesy thumbs up, while Ella looked like a bird just shit on her head, and you weren't surprised, considering she liked Anti, you guessed you were the bird and that kiss was the shit. Marzia was smiling as well, but looked kinda sad, you were assuming she was thinking about felix, and how that could've been them instead or you guys. After a few minutes everyone dispersed, going back to what the were doing before the countdown. Holly walked over to you and Anti, you already knew she was hoping to continue the previous conversation. "So Anti as we were saying earlier, we could learn a lot from Y/N" she said. You cast a pleading look at anti that he didn't catch. You sighed deeply and shook your head. "No way in hell you're doing reasearch on me, and if you think you are you're gonna want to get someone else to tutor me." You walked away from the conversation, pissed off with the whole thing. Kalyn was sat in a corner reading a book, You walked over to her and coughed, "Um wanna go outside, it's getting kinda hard for me to breath in here." You said. She nodded lightly. She stood up from her spot in the corner and walked to the door leading outside, she held it open for you and you walked outside. "Why do you always stay in there?" You asked. She shrugged her shoulders, "Its home to anti, he's our leader, we can't really leave, and everyone else kinda hates us..." She said the last part quietly. You nodded. You were walking left, opposite the way Anti took you last time you went out. "How come you can go outside and not put in those contacts but everyone else has to?" You asked politely. "Well, before I was part of this group, I lived here, my eyes are also just naturally dark brown, so close to black you can barley tell, so it's like I'm one of them but not having the full uniform you know?" She replied. You nodded, although you really didn't know what it was like. After countless pointless conversations you ended up at a small square, filled with shops. "I was thinking we could get you some clothes since last time it... you know." You nodded. "Your 'base' reminds me of a hospital and I fucking hate it..." you said. She shrugged and mumbled something under her breath. We walked into a second hand store, "I hate the normal clothes here, they're to mainstream, and like modern I guess." She said. You nodded, that you could understand. You walked the isles until you finally came across something you loved, it was black ripped skinny jeans and a pastel blue sweater, which was ultimately way to big. You also came across some white converse, which was about the last thing you expected here. Kalyn came out of the isles holding blue denim jeans, a plain grey shirt, and a maroon red jacket. She was already wearing some grey converse that she seemed extremely attached to. She payed for our clothes and we walked out carrying bags with the clothes in it. "I'm kinda hungry, but we have to come back soon, I don't think two pairs of clothes are gone be enough." She chuckled. You nodded along laughing lightly. She lead you into a small cafe on the edge of the square, she ordered her drink and you ordered hot chocolate, your favorite, you casually talked about anything an everything. The two of you were able to sit in comfortable silence, something hard to achieve with most people. She paid for the drinks and you walked out and back to the base, you'd never actually seen the outside of the base before, it was in the basement of a large abandoned apartment building. You nodded and and followed Kalyn into the building, you walked in to everyone sitting on the couch with two spaces left, Anti, dark, and Ella were all screaming at the t.v's, it looked to be a giant game of Mario kart. You got really excited and set down your bags on the ground and sat down in between dark and Anti and grabbed a controller and got into the game, as a kid you were the best at this game. Kalyn just scoffed and walked over to take the spot between Sofia and Ella. Dark and anti we're screaming even louder at how you just joined the game but you were beating them both. Kalyn and Marzia were just smiling amused at how excited we were at the game. You dark and anti we're all tied for first place, racing in front and behind each other. You saw the finish line in sight and smirked. Sofia was right behind dark, she used her power and flung the remote out of his hands and took third place. "Babeeee come onn!" Dark said playfully to Sofia. She immediately blushed, no longer interested in the game. Now it was just you and Anti, racing back and forth in between first and second. The finish line was in sight, you hit a power up and sped past Anti right over the finish line taking first place. You stood on the couch and laughed. "Haha fuckers look who won!" You laughed even louder. Anti stood on the couch too. "I bet you cheated." He laughed. You rolled your eyes. "You're just salty I'm better than you boo." You winked at him. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. You raised an eyebrow at him. He leaned in closer, you leaned in as well but at the last second pulled away, "Nope, you don't get a kiss from the winner." You said playfully. You jumped off the couch to see anti chase after you. You laughed as he playfully tackled you. He smiled at you, his eyes turning a shade of teal blue. You smiled back, it was full of love and caring and you could both tell. "You know, I'm going to bring up every day that I beat you in Mario Kart." You laughed. He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Fuck you." Anti said playfully. You winked in return, "You wish." He blushed and you laughed, what a way to end the night.

Boo told me to update so here I am, sorry it's shorter then usual, enjoy, if I hit 1000 reads I get to smash a plate so yeah, bye

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