f i f t e e n

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"Annie, open the car door, I'm coming with you", mum says.

Thank god someone is coming with me!

"I just got off the phone with the doctor and he's going to try his best to see the gender of the baby", mum says.

Well I thought that he would be able to see it.

It's quite weird, the doctors don't show you your baby anymore. Well mine doesn't anyway, they take pictures at every appointment then while your in labour, the play you a slide show of your pregnancy.

It's quite cool, but I would love to see my baby now.

I start driving towards the doctors and once we get there, I get out and go inside. I'm really nervous.

"Welcome, Annie, come on through", the doctor says.

It's a private doctor, so there is no one else here.

"What are you hoping that you are having?", he asks.
"Definitely a boy", I say.

I put on the gown and lay down on the bed. I expose my tummy and he puts the cool gel on.

"Now, let's have a look", the doctor says.

It's been about 5 minutes, and he hasn't said a thing.

"Mum, come here", the doctor says.
"Oh my gosh!!!!", mum says.
"What's the gender?", I ask.

"I can't see the gender of the baby at the moment sorry", the doctor says.

Well that's just great.

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