Chapter Two

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The Opposites made themselves known a few  days later, to North. I visited the Pole and saw North sitting in his office, face in hands.

"North?" I said quietly, he only flinched a little, then sat up and looked at me, his eyes were red, he hadn't slept in days.

"They are coming Jack." North whispered, he rubbed his eyes, then went back to putting his face in his hands.

"When?" I asked firmly.


I guess I never really understood how bad Opposites were. North was usually fearless, but this almost made him give up. But I knew i wasnt giving up. I needed to quickly get to the Warren, to talk to Bunny.

"Don't give up North." I said before heading out.


The Warren was completely empty when i got there, I had been there a few times and it was always teeming with activity, this was not one of those times. I saw Bunny sitting on a rock, facing away from me, I felt relieved, at least he was there.

"Bunny, the Opposites are coming, North has practically rolled over on his belly and given up, I havent even heard from the others." I sounded worried, my voice was shaking.

"So North, the big, bad, leader himself has finally given up?" I heard Bunny chuckle, I tilted my head, something was wrong. "Thats fantastic." Bunny stood up, and turned around, his fur was darker, and he had black armor on his arms. His eyes were a dark red, and the designs on his fur were distorted and the only ones that were normal looking were upside down.

"Who are you?" I questioned, pointing my staff at him ready for an attack, "Where's the real Bunny?"

The imposter just smirked, something Bunny would do.

"You're looking at him." Quickly, he threw one of his boomerangs which knocked my staff out of my hands, when I realised what had happened, I lunged for it again, but I was stopped by another boomerang which hit me right in the shoulder with so much force it knocked me back, he kicked the staff away from my kneeled over me, holding my non hurt arm down with his knee, (my other arm was completely numb) pining me to the ground by my neck, i could do absolutely nothing.

"Bunny doesn't care about you." The imposter laughed, "He never will." He lifted his arm up and caught the boomerang that hit me, which was still flying during the attack.

"What are you talking about?" I spat at him, he leaned closer and grinned, his evil eyes made me feel cold.

He whispered, "I know you care about him."

My other arm started to get feeling again, I punched him hard in the ribs, it hurt him, but he hit me across the face with the boomerang he was still holding, I felt the inside of my jaw crack, the sickening sound made the evil being on top of me laugh.

"Did that hurt Jack?" He chuckled, I groaned as the pain grew more immense, my whole head throbbed, I knew he was going to try to kill me.

I brased myself for what was to come as he raised his arm up to strike me, but I looked at him again, he was glaring at the entrance of the Warren.

"Jack!" I heard a voice yell, It was Bunny's. I smiled and glared at the imposter.

"I'll take care of you later." he snarled, then struck me hard on top of my head, I stayed conscious for a few seconds afterwards, i watched Bunny lunge for his Opposite, but I drifted into darkness soon after.


I opened my eyes to see I was in motion, I was being carried by someone, I felt a soft surrounding, I quickly looked to see if it was the imposter, I saw Bunny's bright green eyes and felt my body relax, I also noticed how hurt I was, my forehead was bleeding, i felt cold liquid pouring out of my head, with each step Bunny took, I winced in pain because it bounced my head, causing my jaw to move. He must have seen my obvious distress, because he stopped.

"Hang on Jack, I'll get you back to the Pole. North'll know what do do."

I saw that bunny had blood on his head, I tried to ask him whos it was or if he was hurt, but I couldn't move my jaw. He started to walk again, slower this time.

"Crikey, you're losing a lot of blood, stay with me Jack, okay?" I felt my eyes flutter shut, and Bunny's pace pick up.

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