A "normal" day for me

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After that crazy day, I just wanted to go to sleep. It was almost 11p.m. and I needed to go to school the other day. Paul and Sara left my house and Dan stayed the night with me. Paul gave an old pajama to Dan, and it was very sweet of him. I don't know why I mentioned the pajama but that one was so cute on him I think I'm really in love with Dan.

Dan was heading down stairs. I stopped him. He gave me a confused look. He didn't understand why I was stopping him. We were quiet for a few moments, then I said:

"I don't want you to be alone in the living room. Come sleep in my room."

"Won't that be weird? I mean, will we fit in your bed?"

"No, we are young, we can sleep on a chair if we wanted to, of course we will fit."

We headed upstairs. We laid down in my bed, looking to the ceiling. I could feel Dan's breath in my hair and he was warm. It felt like home.

"Mack, do you think Paul and Sara will get together?"

"I think so, if they have a crush on each other I think they will."

"Does Sara talk about Paul often?"

"Well, she always complains how annoying he is but we can consider that love right?" I joked.

"Yeah, I think so too. I think I'm going to sleep, so excuse me."

"No problem Dan, good night."

"Good night!"

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" he whispered back.


I woke up. It was almost 8a.m. and the sun was bright. I heard someone yelling at me, probably from downstairs. I recognized that noise. It was my mom! She didn't know about Dan! Oh Lord, if she sees him on my bed she would think we were doing something wrong... 

"Mom?" I shouted to confirm if it was her.

"Mack? Honey? Are you upstairs?" She replied. I was screwed.

"Y-yeah mom, I just woke up!" I turned to see if Dan was awake, but he was still asleep. I had to wake him up. "Dan, wake up." I whispered while poking him with my finger.

"Uh? What's going on?"

"Dan I'm serious, my mom is here, you need to get out of here."

"WHA-" I put my hand on his mouth because he was talking too loudly.

"There's no time for questioning, just try to get out through the window. Don't worry, it's not that high, I once jumped off when I was a kid and I'm still alive so you can do it. Go!!"

I can't believe he actually jumped off the window. I never thought a boy would do that in MY window, specially Dan. And he jumped off right on time, my mom opened my door.

"How was your week sweetie?" she asked and did not noticed anything weird.

"It was nice, thanks for asking, but I have to get ready for school so we can talk later about your trip 'kay? So if you let me, I'll close my door right now and I'll choose an outfit..." phew, that was close. If she knows about it she will kill me.

When I left my house, I went to the backyard to see if Dan was there. And he was! He wasn't hurt, lucky him. He then said:

"What happened up there?"

"Sorry about that, my mom arrived home and if she knew that you spent the night with me she would thing that we were... you know..."

"Oh yeah I get it, no worries, I guess I'll go to Paul's so I can get clothes since mine are upstairs."


"Calm down, go to school, she'll go to her work and when we come back we will get them. Don't worry. Now go or you'll be late."

I went to school and it wasn't a bad day at all. Samantha wasn't a pain in the butt with us and I actually learned something new on Maths, that one class where I always take an accidental nap. When school was over, Dan was waiting for us in front of the main entrance. With normal clothes, not pj's.

"Dan, did my mom find you?" I asked, worried.

"Ha, guess what! I bet she didn't even see me." he leaned close to me to kiss but Sara interrupted us. 

"Uh, did you guys forget that it has been already 24 hours? I'm sure you don't want to draw too much attention."

We agreed, a bit disappointed that he couldn't kiss me whenever he wanted to. But I still could! I was about to kiss him and my mom arrived. What an awkward moment, am I right?

"Mack! I came here to... uh... pick you up! That's why I'm here... Who is... him?" She asked, in shock.

"Uh, mom, this is our friend Dan. And he is new here on the neighborhood. He moved in while you were traveling." I replied, trying not to make that moment even more awkward that it already was.

After that, we got back home. Dan, Sara and Paul were with us and we did homework together. My mom had to go to work and before she left she talked to me:

"Mack, I have to be honest, what a nice one you got huh?"

"What do you mean mom?"

"If you do a good job, your relationship will go far with him. He is a good boy. Bye!" I still have no idea if she was sarcastic or not but lets just hope that she wasn't.

When it was 10p.m., it was the time to go to Minecraft. Sara and Paul already went to their homes and my mom was already sleeping. She didn't even realized that Dan was still home.



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