Believed like a fool

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I barely slept that night. Herobrine's words hit me hard, like, very hard.

The next day (well I don't know if it was next day, I had no idea if it was day or night after all), the devil came to my cell.

"Ugh, just leave me alone."

"Okay, I'll leave you with him. I think you'll have to explain some things." Herobrine said. He? Who was he? I turned around. It was Dan.

"Dan? Oh my goodness, are you okay? Did Herobrine do something to you?"

"Since when do you care?" he replied in a cold tone. It wasn't truly Dan there. Herobrine did something to him. I politely said:

"Since we first met you silly!"

"Don't you come with 'you silly' on me."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"I know the truth."

"What truth?" I started to worry.

"If I say it out loud it will sound real."

"Is it that bad?" I patiently asked. "If it is, you don't have to s-"

"You cheated on me."

I was shocked. Did Herobrine brain-washed Dan?

"Where did you get that from? You know that's impossible to happen right?" I said.

"Herobrine told me the truth, what you told him." he replied.

"I didn't say anything about my personal life to that monster, why would I? And that's not true, don't believe in him."

"He said he heard your thoughts, that the only thing you think about is that how I ruined your life and you wanted to be with that guy."

"Dan, he is lying to you! He is trying to turn us against each other!"

"The name is Josh Dun."

I started laughing. Why would Herobrine tell Dan the guy I was cheating with was the drummer of my favorite band? Seriously, he needs to improve his lies.

"Why are you laughing at?" Dan asked, serious.

"You dummy, I don't know Josh in person, he is a drummer of a band. You know, Twenty One Pilots, the one I showed you the other day."

"Enough with the lies Mackenzie!" He never calls me Mackenzie. He was definitely not joking. 

"I'm not lying Dan, please believe in me."

"No, I won't!"

"Who do you trust more? Me or Herobrine?"

"I hate to say this, but Herobrine really sounded like he was telling me the truth."

"Dan, he is lying to you, he even tried to convince me that you-"

"That I still loved you Mack?" I stopped. Dan wasn't being himself.

"Dan, could you please be rational and listen to me?"

"Wait are you saying just because I'm a code of a video game that I'm not rational?"

"Okay that sounded very wrong, I'm sorry, but please Dan-"

"Yes you should be sorry."

"Dan, he said that you were using me to come back here but I know you weren't because I believe that you truly love me!"

"You are just trying to convince me that you didn't cheat on me."

"Who on earth would ever want to be with me other than you?"

"I guess you should take out the 'other than you' bit"

"No Dan, please..."

"Herobrine said that he would free me if I told him how leave the game."

"Dan, you didn't right?"

"He said he is leaving you here."

"Why would you ever do this? You are acting so selfishly, this is not you!"

"So did you. I wasn't expecting something like that from you."

"Dan, look at what you did! You put my world in risk!" I started to burst into tears. Dan came closer to me. He then whispered:

"Your world is no longer my business." he started to walk away.


He just left. No more words. He was fooled. By that monster. If I could... I would just... UGH

I was alone with my thoughts. Sobbing with my tears. You should pay attention in one specific word on that sentence:

"I was alone with my thoughts". Alone, loneliness. Funny words huh? They represent the moment when you are by yourself, with no one else in the room or your life. I was by myself, with no other person to lean on. This feeling of not having someone to lean on, to trust, share secrets, share laughs and good moments, to hug, anyways, someone special anymore is the feeling you have when that person breaks your heart and leaves you by yourself, in the time you need them the most.

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