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Sammy's POV

Kale and I were cuddling. He was playing with my hair while I was crying about my problems. He was actually listening to me and talking to me. It was something I haven't had for a long time. Once in a while he will wipe my tears off with his thumb.

"This is so weird. You are actually listening to me. Grayson never did" I said looking him in the eyes. He just smiled.

"You knew I am always here" He was saying till the door opened and Wyatt was standing in it.

"You guys are cute" He said. Kale looked up.

"What do you need, Wyatt?" Kale asked

"Lexi wants to pick ya up" He said to me

"You don't have to go" Kale said

"I should though" I said looking at him

"My phone is charged I will call her" I said to Wyatt

"Please don't leave me" Kale said.

"I will see you later, Kale" I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Promise?" He asked

"Yes, Kale" I said giving him another kiss on the cheek.

Later I left. We got back to her house. I got into the guest room and look at the ceiling. I wanted to cry but I couldn't anymore. I heard my phone go off. I looked at my phone and it was a text from 'babe' aka Gray. I am going to change that. I change it to 'asshole'. Then I smiled, I went to his text and it said:

Asshole: We are done

Me: No shit dumbass

Asshole: Shut the fuck up

Me: You are the one who texted me

Asshole: I will kill you. You even took some of my money, you little shit. 

Me: It never said 'Asshole' on the money

Asshole: Where are you staying you little shit?

Me: why would I ever tell you??? You are so funny!

Then I blocked him so he couldn't find where I was. Even though he is smart most of the time. I soon drifted off to sleep.

~a week later~

I got up and went to the kitchen. Lexi was feeding Emma. Ethan was still sleeping. I went out to the couch but then saw Grayson on the couch. I went back to the kitchen.

"What is HE doing here!?" I said

"He lost his place. He was suppose to be kicked out months ago but he just did. He needed a place to crash. He is getting a hotel tonight" She said

"Okay" I said. I heard the door bell ring.

"He knows I am here right?" I asked

"Yes. He does. Ethan told him if he touches you he will be kicked out and never allowed to stay here again"  She said

"Okay sounds okay...I guess" I said going to get the door. I saw Grayson sitting up with his head in his hands. I opened the door to see Kale. He was standing there with flowers. I smiled. Kale has became a really protective guy and 3 days ago he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes.

"Hi babe. Is this for me?" I asked him.

"No, it's for Ethan. Yes it is" He said laughing.

"That is mine. Thank you" Ethan said grabbing the flowers and walking away

"Come in" I said. Kale saw Grayson but Grayson wasn't even paying attention. We went into the kitchen. I grabbed the flowers back.

"Hi Emma. You are so cute" Kale said. Grayson came into the kitchen. He was getting stuff for cereal. I went into the hospital by myself to see if I still couldn't have kids. I found out I was able to know. I kept it private so know one knew.

"I have some news!" I said

"TELL ME!" Lexi said

"I can have kids!!!!" I said. Right then Grayson dropped his glass bowl on the ground. It broke everyone looked at him.

"Sorry. I will buy you a new one" He said blankly

"You okay?" Ethan asked

"Yeah...yes" He said picking up the glass.

"So why didn't I get told this before!?" Kale said picking me up and kissing me.

"What did you do?" Lexi asked really happy.

"I just went in for a check up and had them test and the results came out different!" I said happy. Then we heard something drop. We all look to see Grayson dropped the open milk.

"Grayson, what the heck is going on" Ethan said while he  starting cleaning up the mess. I knew why he is doing that. Cause he fucked up!

"I have to ask......You didn't go get this test because of what Grayson said, right?" Ethan asked me. Grayson looked at me.

"haha...nooooo. Why would I do that???" I said laughing. They all could see right through me.

"What, is something wrong about that?" I said

"Sam......." Lexi said

"I wanted guys to want me!" I said pushing Kale's hand off me.

"Babe, you don't need to be able to have kids for me like you" Kale said. I stood there heavily breathing.

"I am going to go the room" I said running out

Kale's POV

She ran out and I stood there at the counter. Lexi was holding Emma and  Ethan was cleaning up Grayson's mess. Then there was Grayson sitting at the table with his head in his hands. 

"I am going to go to her" I said leaving. I opened her door to see she got right back in bed. She took off her pj pants and her top. They were right in front of me. I shut the door and took me shirt off along with my pants. I got in next to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked me.

"It's just me baby" I said to her. She turned to face me.

"Where are your pants and shirt?" She said laughing.

"I wanted to join the squad, babe." I kissed her on the lips.

"You are so cute" I said to her. She smiled. Then there was a knock on the door. I sat up while Sam stayed down.

"Come in" I said. Then Lexi appeared.

"Ethan and I wanted to take a shower so can you guys watch Emma?" She asked

"YESS!" Sam said holding her arms out. Lexi gave her the baby.

"Thank you" She said shutting the door. Sam was holding her. Emma is so flipping cute!!

Later Sam fell asleep with Emma in her arms. I love Sam.....I do and I don't need to be with her for a year to know that I do.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is my last chapter in this book..... It's sad but true. Just like this puppy up! It's my last :(

But this is not the end for this book! Sequel bishesssssss!

YOU also need to read our new O2L fanfic! Also if you guys have some person we should write a fanfic about tell us.

Well till the next time :(  :(  :( 

Love your girl, \


p.s~~I love you guys so much

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