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Louise was swaying side to side in sync with Logan while a slow song was playing in the background. 

Logan looked down at his date and smiled. She was scowling, but he knew it was fake because she would be yelling and slapping by now if she didn't want to dance with him. He decided to try and and lighten the mood, to make it more...casual for her.

"How's the weather down there?",he asked. Louise looked up with a real scowl on her face.  "UGH Logan I hate you so much.  I just want to slap that smug look off your face!!", she yelled. "Aww. Is little bun-bun mad?", he taunted. No one even noticed that Louise was yelling. The music was loud and Louise yelling was normal for everyone.

"I will DESTROY YOU!!", she said, still dancing with him.  "You're almost tall enough to be taken seriously."

Louise reached up and grabbed his collar, dragging him down to eye level.  She glared at him for a few seconds, before kissing him.

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