Aww...How cute

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Louise stormed out of the humid arcade and leaned against the wall.  Logan strode out and scanned the streets for her before a pair of pink ears caught his eye.  She stood there, pouting and mumbling under her breath about "how unfair this is" and "he rigged the game"

Logan chuckled and stood with her in the cool night air.  "What are you doing out here!? Stalker!!", she yelled, throwing her hands to the side. Logan   smiled. "Aww... your so cute!", he teased.  Her face grew red with anger and shouted, "I AM NOT CUTE. I AM DARK AND MYSTERIOUS AND VERY PISSED OFF." Logan just laughed again and folded his hands as he brought them up to his cheeks.  "Awww.... aren't you precious?"

He watched Louise yell with anger and storm back into the sweaty arcade.  She popped her head out the door and said, "I want a rematch, right now!!" He grinned warmly and replied, "You're on, bun-bun."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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