Part 1

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I remember how we met. She didn't have any unique things in her, nor did she show off anyhow in public, but I remember that day. I found some sort of delicate simple soul in her, easy to understand, and in need of contemplation. I honestly only saw a friend in her at the moment. And I did wanted to experience this lovely friendship with her only. I am sorry, I screwed up everything. But,sadly, I was in love with her thin long dirty blond hair, those accurate naturally pink nails never covered with any kind of nail polish, always eagerly smiling face, as it seemed to me first time we met, and small, light as a fever wrists. For me it seemed like she has never became acquainted with any grief in life, as she looked in my eyes, making a hole in my soul and filling it with her own-self again and again.
Yes, she was sitting alone in that cafe at the corner. I swear I almost freaked out when I saw some man asking for a sit in front of her. Thanks god she didn't let him sit. I guess I am supposed to be guilty for that foolish feeling I had.
It was the waiter's fault we met on that day. That was him who made her notice me. Too late to blame. If he only would not give me the dessert she ordered, she definitely would not even notice my appearance there at that cafe. I remember how her face was slightly puzzled when she realized that her dessert was given to someone else. Maybe she noticed it because I was sitting too close so that my conversation with the waiter was loud enough for her to eardrop on, or maybe she indeed waited for her mint chocolate cupcake for too long, she started looking for it at other tables. The reason she noticed it right away is the heart-shaped plate that it was served on and a little candle which was placed right at the cupcake's center. After placing the cupcake on my table the waiter said " Happy birthday, Alexis!" he put his hand on my shoulder, with the fake cheer up face. Oh, how awkward it was.. At that exact minute some stranger, which came out later to be Alexis's, as I already realized, sister in law, came up to the waiter who served the cupcake to me and whispered something quietly to his ear. I saw that face of "omg I screwed up" right away. He smiled as if nothing serious really happened, took the cupcake from my table, "my apologies" he said quickly turning to me, and gave it to the owner, Alexis. The sister in law was the manager of the cafe, I fancied as I saw her clothes, that seemed official in some what way.
After all this "forever alone" ceremony of hers she stood up with the plate in her hand, for instance looking around like she was feeling wrong about what she was about to do, she sat at my table. Even without any permission... like I was going to refuse it. Well, anyways she was already there and all I could do is just stare questionably. "Alexis?" I asked for the sake of saying something. "Yes?" She giggled after hearing her name. She was so pretty when she covered her mouth at the moment of smiling. Dear,her smile definitely was not something to be ashamed of. We sat there for few seconds not uttering anything, then she continued: "So here you go" she moved the plate with one last small piece of the cupcake towards me "I thought that it would be unfair not to share it with you". It made me smile a bit but I didn't mean to laugh at her. "What made you think so?" I asked right away. " Well," she stopped for a second, which made me think I ruined her plan because of asking that question. So I just went on " Yea I'll have it. Sure". She was satisfied as if it was something greater and of more importance than just sharing the last piece of someone's dessert.
"So, Isaac," I already told her my name "as you already said, you came from Norway here and you are currently staying at your uncle's house, did I get it right?" she summarized my story correctly. "Yes, you got it right" I agreed while sipping the last drop of the tea I had a cup of on my table. "Are you going somewhere today?" she suddenly asked as if she felt interrupting. She didn't have to worry about anything at all, because I would give anything at that moment to stay longer next to her. "Not at all" I answered. Funny as it was, she smiled shyly, like she had some little cruel plan in her mind about to come alive. "Unfortunately I'm in an opposite situation. Some stuff has to be done and I am on the way of accomplishing it" suddenly she stood up holding her bag after saying it. I said nothing, simply because I didn't know what to say. But I was sad. I wasn't supposed to be, better if I would not. "Sorry?" I said quickly. "Oh, I'll pay for the cupcake. Don't worry" she stared at my face for a while, as if she was trying to save it in her memory and left. "Well..." I paused for a second because I didn't know neither when or where can I ever find her again. "Bye" She said at last. "Bye, Alexis".
I payed for my tea and almost started leaving, but right before I left the territory of the cafe the "manager", Alexis's sister in law, caught me and with a smile passed a little receipt to me with something written on it in a blue pen. "I'll be here tomorrow at the same time - Alexis".

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