little solider: mattord

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Tord's pov

I look out over the countless soldiers I have recruited.  My army is growing.  There's no doubt about that. I easily have thirteen hundred just in this part of the world. I have about a thousand in America,  and triple that in Russia. I keep my hands behind my back and begin talking. "Attention!" Everyone stands straight and at attention. Except for one person. I try and keep my cool as I hear someone.
"Todd! Hey, todd! Its me! Matt!" I look through the crowd and see the waving  lanky ginger.  He's in a red army uniform as well as all the other soldiers. 
"You." I hiss, I snap and motion him up to the stage. He grins and runs up to me. He goes to hug me, but I stop him. "Patryk! Paul! Take over, tell them our plans. I have an issue to take care of." I usher Matt back to my office. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I growl.
"Well, I wanted to come see you and I want told I would have to become a solider in your army to do so. I wasn't going to join until I though of how dashing I'd look in this uniform. Boy, was I right."he smiles. I roll my eyes.
"You are going to get yourself killed. Let me get you a plane ticket home." I sigh. I go to walk to my phone, but he grabs my left arm.
"Tord, er...Sir.  woth all due respect, I'd like to stay." He smiles at me. I let out an empty laugh.
"This army will kill a man like you. You see what it has done to a man like me." I shake my head. "You aren't meant for this life, Matt. "
"I am private first class Matthew Hargreaves.  I plan to keep that position." Matt stands tall. "I recall you used to call me 'your little solider' let me prove I deserve that name" he practically begs. I sigh.
"Matt. I won't treat you any different than anyone else. And you'll have to be quiet and quick and you musn't let your self obsession get in the way of your goals." I explain.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"Well, if somethin were to happen and your face got scratched up, you cannot just stop everything and worry about it. You have to carry know I am asking a lot of you, That's why i'll beg you one last time. Please please go home. Go back to your warm bed, your happy life with the others, go back to a life where you can pretend everything is alright. Please."  I plead.
"Tord. " he puts his hands on my shoulders.  "I can't go back. I can't continue pretending everything is okay without you there. "Matt pulls me into a really tight hug. I do what I can to hug back.
"Matt, just do me one favor." I sigh. "Don't die."
"I won't, sir." He smiles.
"Good." I lay my head on his shoulder. I would never forgive myself if I let the love of my life die

And I never did

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