Chapter 2

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Today was the wedding, and I felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement, I was wearing a beautiful white dress, and Lucas was wearing a black tuxedo, Riley was the one that carried me away and Farkle was Lucas', Lucas went first, I cried as I saw him, walk down the alley, then I came down the ally with Riley, everyone was clapping, Riley's whole family was there

Shawn and Josh would also there, I walked down the alley, then I faced Lucas, Lucas has a big smile on his face. We had to say our vows, Lucas went first, When my eyes fell on you, I couldn't help but feel something, even when I was threaten, my love was too strong for you, I feel like the world lead me to you for a reason

I cried when Lucas said his vows, then I said mine, I was really never sure what love was, I was broken, and damaged me, but when I lay my eyes on you, it felt this feeling I couldn't describe, I felt love, and it healed me, you taught me to feel love, a date that helped healed me, when I was done saying my vows, all the nervousness in me suddenly went away

Cory was the one, that was marrying us, Cory: Lucas Tristan Frair, do you take Maya Penelope Hart, to hold and to Trish thought sickness and in health, Lucas: I do, and Do you Maya Penelope Hart, take Lucas Tristan Frair, to hold and to Trish thought sickness and health, Maya: I do, Cory: You mean kiss the bride, me and Lucas held our hands together, then our lips touched

No one could see, but there would a million fireflies flying in the sky, there would spelling out our names above us, in the shy, a felt a spark when our lips would touching, Lucas' lips against mine, made forget about all my doubts, after kissing for a while, Auggie was only eight year Olds, so he trying to look away, and I could hear him gahhhing, everyone else was going, awwww, after the kiss ended

Me and Lucas had to get ready for our honeymoon, we would going to Hawaii, where it was nice and warm, we would driving to the airport, but then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I told Lucas, I felt like I was going to throw up, so he stopped the car, I started throwing up in the toilet, After that I felt much better, so I decided to head back to the car, Lucas: Are you ok, yet, probably just car sickness

We finally arrived at the airport, the plane ride wasn't much better than the car ride, I kept throwing up, thought out the whole, I guess I had airplane sickness too, we finally arrived in Hawaii, and we decided to get something to eat, I wasn't going to order anything at first, but then I suddenly was hungry,  I mean really hungry, I ordered a lot of food, a the waiter was gaving me a stange look

Lucas: Wow, Maya I never seen you eat so much, are you sure you're ok, Yet, it's just that for some reason, I'm just really hunger, that it hit, Lucas, you know, how I been really sick, and how I been eating a lot of food well, I think... I may be... Lucas: pregnant, I think I knew, because Maya never in your life have you got car sick or plane sick, plus you are eating a lot of food, I mean a lot, that to mention, your sto...

I know, I said putting my hand on my stomach, I was really happy, but shocked at the sometime, I always wanted my own children, but now I had a child inside of me, and I was responsible for the child, I kept my hand on my stomach the wide time, thinking about the child that was living and growing inside of me, I mean, I was still shocked, I mean this child was actually mine

After we finish eating, Lucas got us a hotel, and I had so many questions running thought my brain, Could I handled having a child, I though, me and Lucas  just got married and now I was going to have a baby, Could I be a good wife and mother, I grew up, without a mother, so I had to know how to treat Lucas in my own, but most importantly, could I care for this baby that I was carrying around?

I hoped you guys enjoyed the second chapter, as soon as I released this book, I had people reading it, which is just amazing, sorry if things felt kinda of rushed, I tryed to spend one half of the story on Maya and Lucas' wedding, and the whole baby news, so let know what you guys thought of this chapter in the comments, and make sure to still in tune with this story.

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