A New Step

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I couldn't sleep. I was homesick. I was really homesick. Not for the friends or anything like that as one might think, but I just missed my house. My mother. The warmth that I felt when I went home. This apartment was so empty. Too empty. I had never, literally, been this alone.

It was a new day though, so, I tried to turn my mood around, but it was no use. I was at work, sketching and sewing. I was still putting the final touches on the two designs that Miss Valento had requested of me. One was a slim-fitted dress that had the fiery red color tone, it reached mid-thigh and had an extravagant top half. It was strapless, but it had the sleeves that start at the same level as the dress does. The sleeves had a subtle amount of fluffy fabrics sewn together to perfection.
The other dress however, had a summery vibe to it. It was green, yellow and white. The dress had a sort of an old theme to it. The bottom half of the skirt grew larger, but not the type that makes it puffy, but the type that shows simplicity. The top half of the dress was cut out like the shape of the vest, however, it was designed to perfectly hug one's waist. The colors were here and there, sort of splattered onto a basic white fabric. It's safe to say that both dresses were quite up my alley.

And as if it is a right of passage for when one has nothing to do but dwell, one must be extra depressing by overanalyzing and criticizing their life. And here I am, home, on the couch, fulfilling that right of passage in my oversized gray jumper and my black leggings. My self-criticism and overanalyzing for the past hour or two mostly consisted of thinking about Chris and how we hadn't spoken for the past two days without counting to the two texts that consisted of 'hey' and 'hey'.

I was bothered, more so by the fact that I got too attached too fast after just a hangout or two rather than being sane and stable and moving in a normal pace. And with that I started thinking about how maybe he hasn't said anything other than that 'hey' text because he got too freaked out or because he regrets even hanging with me in the first place.

A ding brought me back to the present world where there is not as much self-criticism taking place. My mom's calling. I almost instantly pick up the phone, expressing my dire need of some motherly love even if it were just through invisible waves or whatever, I was never really great with physics.

"How was your day, mom?" I asked as I slowly sat upright, bringing up my legs to hug them.

"It was okay, not that productive. It was quite boring actually." She said as she let out a breathy sigh as if emphasizing on how bored out of her mind she was. But hey, like mother like daughter, am I right?

"Oh, god. Me too. I hate days off when I am the only one around. I haven't really had much time to make as much friends as I initially hoped, but whatever."

"As much?"

God, mom. "Yes, mama. 'As much', I only made friends with this one guy that I ran into in the supermarket and that's about it. " I said with quite brief information in an effort to not blow all of this up.

The rest of the conversation between my mother and I consisted of her trying to make me hit Chris up and her complaining about my baby sister and brother and how she wishes that they would just graduate already. They are both in highschool. Jamie, my little sister, was a senior while Matt was a sophomore. The conversation then proceeded onto how Jamie can't manage to clean her room. The complaints seemed to go on forever and ever. She deserved an award for that, she never paused to take her breath.

As my mom switched from complaining about Jamie to complaining about Matt, I felt my phone buzzing. Chris was falling. "Hey, mom? Can I call you, later? Someone's calling me."

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