the day the world changed

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The world changed on October 28, 1963. It was a cloudy day on a Cuban beach front. Many islanders had already evacuated, though some had stayed, not wanting to leave the only home they had ever known. Those that had stayed watched from the safety of the highest hill the ships that nearly surrounded their island. Those islanders, historians believe, were the first to see the stray missile come out of the clouds.

It hit the American ship with total accuracy. That was the last thing the islanders saw. That was the last thing anyone on or near the island had saw.

From Florida, one could see the cloud of smoke engulf the island. It would soon engulf the world.

For two days, a cloud of radiation and smoke darkened the world. For two days, people of the world were exposed to vast and varying amounts of radiation. Many were transformed. Many only gained sickness and poisoning. Very many died.

To this day, why only fifty-five percent of the world's population had transformed is a question no scientist can answer. The rest had died or only faced a sickness that they had recovered from.

Some may say that this day held a massacre and great pain, though others believe it was a miracle of God. Due to the great change of humanity, medicine and technology leaped far ahead of its time.

The world had truly changed on October 28, 1963


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