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Hey, guys. Yes, this is a romance. And, for any of you that know me, you know that I don't usually do romance XD However, I had this idea pop into my head and it wouldn't leave me alone. And I'm positive this is an idea that's been done before, however, I really hope that I can bring something new to it. 

I know I'm pretty bad about actually finishing stories, however, this one really isn't leaving me alone and I promise that it will be completed. I am extremely excited about it. I've put quite a bit of time into the currently written chapter and I really hope you guys can all enjoy reading as much as I've enjoyed writing. 

Also, this will be dealing with some aspects of religion, particulary those of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, seeing as how I drew most of the back story, names, and history from the angel stories from those religions. (Mostly Catholicism to be honest.) This is not meant to make any commentary or express my own personal religious view at all.  

So, without further ado, my first romance story, ever ;)

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