Chapter Four

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I gaze at the gates as our car pulls onto the school grounds. It looks so prestigious and wealthy that I felt very out of place. The car pulls to a stop.  

As I step out of the car, I stare in awe, Eri does the same. Obachan taps on the window, "I'll be waiting here in the car so be quick about getting registered."

We both walk up the steps smiling, and when we opened the doors to the place there were so many kids there for opening registration. And they all stared at us wide-eyed. Then they started to whisper and some girls were even smiling like they were in love....that kind of scared me a little.

I nudge Eri in the side. "Haven't they seen twins before?"

He raises his shoulders. " Maybe? But who cares, we just need to get signed in."

I follow him as we walked straight towards the front school desk. The lady glances up surprised but slowly a smile spreads across her face. " Welcome, Suzuki twins. Let me send you up to the President so he can meet you."

I look to Eri who is just as confused as I am. He starts following her and I follow Eri. Suddenly as the elevator doors were closing behind me I could hear some girls scream, "ITS THE HOST CLUB!" until they're voices were cut off.

I shifted in the elevator with questions filling in my head. whose the host club? what is a host club? why do they have a host club? Questions kept filling up in my head before it felt like I was a questionnaire.

( In the school commons)

All six guys glance around and start to head towards their check-in areas.

Tamaki clears his throat. "Ladies do be patient! we will re-open tomorrow afternoon!"

All the girls screeched for joy, sighing and yelling out I love you's. But for Hikaru and Kaoru's case, they were getting bored of seeing the same girls, dealing with the same thing. They just ignored the girls and walked past them.

"Hikaru, Kaoru? where are you going? You have fans who want to see you!" yells Tamaki.

Hikaru stares back at him and Kaoru kept walking towards the front desk. "We're bored with them."

Tamaki stared at the girls who were looking a little hurt, then at the twins who just left.

He runs a hand through his hair. "Those two.......really piss me off!"

"What's up with Hikaru and Kaoru?" said a familiar voice.

Tamaki being himself. "I don't know....they just said they were bored!" He turns around and jumps from shock, realizing it was Haruhi.

"Ha-Haruhi! You're here!" he squealed.

Taking her precautions she places her hands up and pushes Kyoya in between the two of them.

"Yeah, I hate being late for these type of things."

Tamaki starts to stare off into her eyes. "Yeah....same here."

"Did you see those two twins earlier?"

"Yeah, they were really cute!"

"I wonder what they're names were?"

" I noticed their styles were western! it's so different!"

The three walk up to a group of girls who were talking. "Oh excuse my intrusion on your conversation, but who would you lovely ladies be talking about?"

The girls were like putty in the palm of Tamaki's hands. "They're the new transfer students from America."

" Yeah, they just arrived here this morning."

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