Chapter Nine

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Ever since that afternoon. I haven't been able to really focus. My thoughts started to make me more worried then I already was to begin with. The entire host club knows that I'm really a girl....and I can't hide that fact from them.

I stared at the packages that were sent to our house.....Looking at the yellow dresses the girls had to wear made me a little more excited about tomorrow morning. For once in the couple of days I've been going here...I can feel like a real girl for once, even if it's just from a dare.

(At the office)


I glance up coming out of my fantasies. " Oh. Sorry Rosella, my mind was somewhere else."

The woman sighs. " Well I really need you to focus. Tomorrow is the photo shoot with your character in the show."

I glance up at her. " That's great. I can't wait!"

As she continued talking about marketing business I had to force myself to zone out of that. Randomly I started to daydream about the twins.....

The way Kaoru smiles at you and cares about your feelings....sometimes. Or how Hikaru speaks his mind and yet knows how to mess around with your head.

Eri nudges me. " If your done dreaming, it's time to go."

I nod. Quickly slipping out of my chair I walk with Eri towards the elevator.

It hums on the way down, both of us silent until Eri says something.

" So, I suppose that your excited to wear that dress for tomorrow?"

I nod. " Think about's the first time in a whole week that I'll be able to dress like a girl."

I look away. Slowly he glances my way and sees my huge grin. He looks down and right as the elevator doors open, " I'm sorry for putting you through so much trouble Yuri." And walked out of the elevator.

I could hear him loud and clear, so I quicken my pace towards him. Grabbing onto his shoulder to stop him.

" Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Eri you have nothing to be sorry for, I agreed and I'm glad that I can be with my brother." I smile up at him which makes him smirk.

" But are you really sure? if your regretting it or having any doubts I want to know."

I nod. " I promise, If I ever need to talk to you about it I will!"

When we finally reached home the taxi pulled to a stop, Eri payed for his services and we both walked into the house exhausted.

obachan was simply drinking her tea and reading her mail. I stop in a kiss her on the cheek.

" Hi Obachan. How was your day?"

She looks up at me and stares at me with her soft eyes. " Just fine. How was your day Yuri?"

I smirk and stretch. "Packed. Apparently tomorrow we get our photographs taken with the characters. Oh, and I lost a bet at school so if you see me wearing a's not a big deal."

She sighs. " Your always betting people. Sweetheart you need to be more at ease."

I nod. " But Obachan. How am I supposed to enjoy my youth if I can't do stupid things." I wink at her and we both giggle a little.

As it grew later I quickly went to bed trying to contain the excitement I was feeling.

Obachan and Eri stayed up a little longer.

" I see you've received a letter from him today?" He nods at the letter she holds.

Obachan looks down at her tea before at Eri. " You know, It was almost as if it were yesterday when you three were running around the house playing non-stop." She smiles softly.

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