Finally Saftey

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We heard the creature growl towards our direction so we took off without even thinking about where thomas was. We eventually found him as the sky had started to brighten a bit more by each passing hour we ran. I look towards a wall that was supposed to close at any moment so i dashed away from minho and thomas towards the creature finally getting a good look at its face and body. It looked almost....mechanical. Never the less i got its attention away from the boys and took off towards the wall. As it appeared in my line of vision it had started to close, so i sped up even more and just barely made it through as the creature was crushed. Thomas and minho had found me jogging around trying to get back to them. We all finally set off back home and found that the gate was just now opening. Finally! I run through and roll onto the grass laughing and smiling at the knowledge of finally being safe back at home.

"What the bloody hell did you run through there for!?" Newt yelled at me with his lovely accent. I giggled and got up hugging him. I skipped back to my little house after grabbing some food and water. I was exhausted.

Oh shucks, it's a girl. *Minho x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now