Chapter Three

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This extraordinary experience was like a dream, but was in black and white, and no noise to hear. I could see my mother, and a strange guy holding a gun facing towards her, the guy shoots the gun, the bullet hits my mother in the chest, where her pure heart is located.

I'm standing there, holding one of the bars of the fence, I put my arm over the fence to unlock it, my feet clash onto the small rocks of our, spreading out evenly to the undercover area. I continue to walk on the rocks, I reach for the door knob and open it carefully, as I walk in, I hear an unfamiliar voice from upstairs, yelling.

The whole ground floor of the house was covered with a tinted orange tile. The living room had a couch and an armchair, both being a shady grey. Our television was a fifty inch plasma, sitting on a dull black table. The kitchen had white marble counter tops, with a clean white stove and oven attached to the wall, continuing the counter to the metal silver sink, then an unstained silver fridge to the side. Across from the kitchen there was a round, dark wooden dining table with four dining chairs around it, matching the round table. As I walk down the hallway to go upstairs.

The stairs were a brown stone, matching the tiles from downstairs. As I walk up and reach the top, the tinted orange tiles continue, leading down the hallway, having a bathroom to the side, and three other bedrooms up ahead. My mother had the end bedroom, I had the middle, and my brother, Alan, had the first bedroom.

I make my way to my mother's bedroom. The strange guy I see in my weird vision appears to be holding a small black revolver gun, ready to be shot at any second. His hands cover the handle, placing the index fingers onto the trigger. He was going to shoot my own mother. My mum cried out for help as I crept up to the mysterious guy. I tackle him from his behind. He was quite skinny and light. Lighter than me. I hold him down, taking his gun out of his hands and placing it into my hand grip, my hand places the barrel of the gun to his head.

"What do you want with my mother?" I ask sternly.

"Your mother... She has..."

"What does she have?"

"A map." He finally replies.

"A map of what?"

"Treasure... In a forest... Somewhere."

I got a bit calmer as he explained the situation to me.

"What is this treasure you are looking for? And how do you know that my mum has the map?" I continue to seek knowledge.

"Hunny... We were good friends back in high school and we hid a treasure chest together, and we don't remember what is in it." My mother cuts in.

"Then what happened?" I ask.

"He told me to keep the map, and then we had the most horrible fight. And this old friend of mine keeps living in the past." Mum explains.

"Hand me th-" I get interrupted by the knocks at our front door.

I get up from the man and I slide the gun underneath my mother's bed and walk out behind my mum. My older brother is at the door, talking to two unfamiliar voices. Then they both walk in to us all standing kind of in a group formation.

"Is this the the guy?" The guy asks, looking like a policeman.

"Yes. He tried murdering my mother." Alan speaks.

They come towards him and handcuff him, taking him outside to their police car, then the two policeman drive off down the stretch of road.

"Are you crazy Olivia?!" Alan says in concern.

"No. Why?" I reply calmly.

"You walked in there, where the-" I cut Alan off, "At least I have the guts."

I leave my mother and my older brother standing near the doorway as I rush upstairs. I quickly grab the gun that I hid under mum's bed a bit earlier, I also try and look for that map. I couldn't stay in here any longer, otherwise my mum would get suspicious of me, so I went to my room having no luck in finding it, and then closing the door behind me.

My creamy white walls were barely bare, having different types of breeds of dogs hung around, also with wolves and foxes in the mix of the dogs. I also had a medium sized television that was seated on a small bookcase. My bed was a queen sized, with teddy bears, and other soft toys sitting on the sides of the bed.

Thoughts run through my mind, what am I supposed to do with the gun? The police didn't even check out the scene. I was even scared just by holding the gun in my hands, or even having it near me. But how did I have the courage to even point the gun to his head? I tuck the gun under my belt that is holding my denim jeans in place, I then put my plain navy blue shirt over the gun. I open the door and walk down the stairs, I spot my mum sitting in the armchair watching television.

"Mum." I start.

She ignores me.



"Can I go and sleepover at Lisa's please?" I ask.

"Yeah sure. I'll take you over, go pack your stuff."

I run up the stairs and start packing to have a sleepover at Lisa's. I haven't asked, but her father says it's alright for me to come over, or sleepover whenever I wanted, no matter the time at night or day. I place the gun I have out from the belt and into the bag. Then my mum walks in, standing in the door frame.


"Yeah, yeah." I reply.

I slip out of my room and head towards the car. Alan follows behind me. I sit in the back, as Alan sat in the passengers seat.

My brother, Alan, he has the same shade as my hair colour, dark brown. He has hazel eyes instead if green like mine. He was also a lot taller than me, he was skinnier and thinner than myself also. People say that we look alike. I don't blame them. I can agree with their opinions.

Mum hops into the drivers seat.

"Why are you here? You can stay you know."

"I'm going with Olivia. I can stay at their place." Alan replies.

"Where's your stuff?" Mum asks.

"In my bag." I reply.

"Alright then." She answers back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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